Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Three of the highlights of my trip to Arizona were the above. None of them had been “planned”, they just happened. We thoroughly enjoyed all three.
I guess this will be it for today.  At least for now.  For some reason my 'uploading pictures" has quit working, I have the pictures in my picture file, but this blogging program is telling me there are no pictures there.  So when I figure out what is going on, hopefully, I will continue with the Cactus and Canyons section of my trip.

Why is it nothing seems to go smoothly?  Perhaps you don't want Cactus 101 and Canyons 101 today.  Perhaps the computer doesn't want this today.  Perhaps I am just going a little nuts.  But as you can see, my "plan" for today was only partially completed.  Wonder when the rest will be put into place.

Oh well, this is a start.  If I am lucky, I will be able to finish this series WITH pictures.  So, in the meantime, enjoy the quilt pictures, and God Bless.


When Linda’s Grandmother passed away (my Mother-in-Law), we found boxes of material pieces, some cut ready to be sewn together, some completed except for the batting, backing, and quilting.

Linda took them home to Arizona with her, and joined a quilting bee held weekly at one of the local museums . She learned, and fell in love with, quilting. She now has a room set up in her house where she can work on the patchwork in her spare time.

It so happened that the week I was there they were having a quilt display. We spent one morning, they were beautiful, and I did a lot of close-ups of some of the quilting designs. I would like to share some of them with you here.

How about a Soda?

This one made me dizzy

One of my favorites


Loved the handkerchifs

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