Friday, April 1, 2011

APRIL FOOL's DAY and JUDGING...............

          Have you been caught yet??? Since Jerry is in St Louis, and the dogs can't talk yet, I have been safe today. 

          I am also getting ready to leave for Woodsfield Ohio upon finishing my blog for today.  Why Woodsfield? The Monroe County Art Guild sponsors an annual art and photography competition.  Last year I was asked to judge the photography end of the competition.  I must have done something right as they asked me to be the photography judge again this year.  Last year the weather was beautiful.  Today - heavy wet snow on the ground.  So Jerry and the dogs didn't get me, but the weather did.  Big time.

          I enjoy the judging, but am disappointed that there can only be two or three "winners".  If I had the money I would see that everyone of the photographers received something, if only honorable mention.  But I don't, so I can't, and must choose three.

          I love seeing other folks photographs, I always learn something from them.  But one of the best parts of this particular judging is that I get to spend the night with my friends in Sardis, Ohio, Georgia and Dan, and Georgia's mother Arlie.  And they feed me.  What more could I ask for?

          I won't be blogging tomorrow, as I probably won't get home until late.  The judging takes place today, and tomorrow will be the awards ceremony, where I have to announce the winners and present them with their ribbons and cash awards.  Hopefully on Sunday I can share some of Saturday with you.

          I met Georgia and Dan many years ago at, you guessed it, an art festival being held at Oglebay Park in Wheeling.  Even though they no longer participate in the festivals, we are friends, visit each other, do things together.  Georgia is a very talented artist, working in both watercolors and oils. In fact I have several of her pictures hanging in my home, and she has won numerous ribbons and awards for her art.
          Georgia has had a table-top style art book published showing many of her pictures, with a short paragraph telling why, where, and what she was doing that drew her attention to painting that particular picture.  I am sharing three pictures with you, the first are three of  several of her pictures I have hanging in my home, the second and third are the front and back of her art book. 

          If you would like to have a copy, they can be purchased from - you guessed it - Double Edge Press ( I think.

          Georgia and I have had some adventures on our road trips, me to take pictures for my photography business, Georgia to take pictures to use for her paintings.  She has the advantage, she can turn summer into winter, spring into fall, add something, or subtract something.  Me, I have to work with what I have, but I do have a good program that lets me edit out some unwanted things.  We just have a lot of fun doing these road trips together.
          Hopefully on Sunday I will be able to tell you that Georgia has taken another ribbon.  The art judge and the photography judge have to be from out of the area, and not friends with anyone who is competing.  That is why I can judge the photography end of the competition.  Georgia doesn't do photography.

So, it's off to Woodsfield and trying to decide who should receive what?  That will be very difficult.  So think of me tomorrow, and hope that I do well.  Thank you and God Bless.

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