Saturday, April 30, 2011

BEGINNINGS and ENDINGS..................................

The last 48 hours has epitomised the phrase "Beginnings and Endings", or should it be "Endings and Beginnings"?

The ending - of a way of life, of towns and villages, and, yes, of life.  The horrible storms we have been experiencing, but this latest that pounded Alabama, and adjoining states, was the daddy of all storms. 

I heard on the national news last night that this was the very worst series of storms since the depression years.  Do you realize how long ago that was?  The depression was in the 1930's. 

They showed a satellite view of the area of destruction - looking at that I still could not comprehend the magnitude of that last storm.  It went, literally, for miles, wiping out everything in its path.

Yesterday the picking up of the pieces began, the massive clean up, and trying to put everything back together again.  This will be years in the making.

And yesterday a new beginning - The Royal Wedding of Kate and William - the beginning of their life together.  The TV coverage was awesome, even though I did not get up at 4 a.m. as my daughter and granddaughter did, but I saw the coverage yesterday, every time I turned on the TV.  The evening recap was wonderful.

How beautiful a ceremony, location, the pomp and circumstance, the bride and groom, the cathedral, the horse-drawn carriage, everything about it was beautiful. 

48 hours of tragedy, sorrow, desolation, destruction, and loss.  And 48 hours of beauty, vows, smiles, and love.

They, as we, have no way of knowing what tomorrow holds, we just do our everyday living, doing the best we know how, and pray that we are spared the tragedy, and allowed to enjoy the beauty and love.

I have heard amazing stories of people helping people during this tragedy, and of people standing in the streets of London to see first hand the joy of a Royal Wedding. 

And I can't help but wonder, if such a tragedy were to strike close to me, how would I handle it?  I would like to think, if I were a survivor, that I would step in and help those who needed the help. 

By the same token, you can't help but shed a tear or two, as you watch the faces of the royal bride and groom, as they emerge from the cathedral, united now in marriage.

Pray for the stricken, and pray for the happy, we  need all the prayers we can get.  Live your life to the fullest, tomorrow may not come.  Be happy as long as you can and God Bless.

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