Monday, February 7, 2011

                               THE ASSIGNMENT

          I have an assignment.  In fact my entire Church family has an assignment.  Pastor Dan asked each of us to call one person this week and have, what he calls, A GOD TALK.  Sounds easy, but for so many of us mere humans, no matter how strong your faith is, it is not always easy to talk God Talk.

          For some of us a lot of things are easier to write about that talk about.  I think that is one of the reasons I enjoy writing so much.  It is much easier for me. I'm a lousy speaker anyway.

          So today I will follow my assignment, and use my computer "telephone".  My ramblings will be strictly what and why I believe.  Nothing earth-shattering, or mind-blowing, just about little snippets of thoughts that have come to me at many stages of my life, or maybe just a feeling.  But I know, deep in my heart, that these little "things" are nudges from God keeping me on the right path.

          I was raised in the Church.  It was as much a part of me as going to school.  You just did it.  Like all kids I grumbled and complained, but went.

          When my kids came along, they went to Church.  They grumbled and complained, but did it.  They, like me had a period of time in their lives that they grew away from the Church, but we all came back.  After all it was what kept us going.

          God gives us all a gift, some call it a talent.  We all have different abilities, but all of us never have the chance, or time, or desire to follow through.  Sometimes you have to be pushed.

          Why do I believe in God?  How do I know there is a God?  I can't begin to explain it, I just know it.  Having a Church background helped, and as I grew my faith grew with me.  You have to believe there is something, someone, out there keeping watch.  If there isn't, why are we here.  We didn't just appear like magic. 

          I don't believe in coincidences.  For everything that happens, good, bad, happy, sad, there is a reason, and that reason is God.  He is always there for us.  We just don't always realize it, or just shrug it off.
          How many do you know that actually say they don't believe in God, or if they do, feel uncomfortable admitting it?  How many times have you heard those very same people say "Oh My God" without even thinking about it, just calling out?  We all know he is there, regardless of race or religion.  We all believe in a greater being, most of us just can't come out and say it.

          How many times have you struggled with a problem, nothing seems to work.  Then one morning you awake and the answer is right there, in your mind?  Did you ever stop to think it wasn't your solution, it was God showing you the way?

          How many time have you decided to do something, and deep inside you get that uncomfortable feeling, but because YOU are in charge you ignore it?  And when you do it, it backfires, is a disaster, or you keep trying and trying and keep hitting that stone wall.  Don't you think that God is trying to tell you something.

          How many times have you gone through really hard times, divorce, death, loss of job, etc?  But you keep on going because there is nothing else to do.  Life goes on, things change, new beginnings are just starting.  You are walking down life's road.  How many times after you have traveled this road have you looked back, and realized that what you have now is far more rewarding than what you had before? Even the death of a loved one eases, and you can remember all the good times without the pain of the hard times.

           Life is a journey.  It is not supposed to always be easy, fun, rewarding.  there are the ups and downs, but just remember that God, even though you can't see him, he can see you, and he is with you.  Just reach out and ask for help.  You will always get the help.  It might not be in the direction you would like, but it turns out that is a much better direction. 

          Live each day to its fullest, look around you and wonder at the wonderful world we live in, the beauty, the changes, the hardships, and the good times.  Every day is a gift from God.  Live it to the fullest, do what you do to the best of your ability, and some day, like me, you can look back and say in wonder --


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