Wednesday, February 9, 2011

                       WHITE SNOW AND HEROES

          We have a fresh 3 inches of snow on the ground, with lots of hills and valleys where the wind has blown the snow this way and that.  Where we live we are lucky, our white snow stays white.  You see the occasional animal tracks, but otherwise stays beautiful.  Even when melting, it is still white.

          But then you go into town.  What a difference.  The snow is slushy, muddy, dirty, just plain ugly.  No wonder city folks dislike the snow so much.  I would too if I had to live in the city, but here in the country it is a whole different ball-game.  Of course we have our drawbacks - like I can always get off of my hilltop, but can't always get back up.  So I stay home, which doesn't bother me at all.  Since I am RETIRED,  as I keep letting everyone know, I don't have to go out unless I want to. 

          There are always so many photo ops for me right around home.  But if someone volunteers to drive (because they have 4 wheel drive and I only have front wheel) I am out of here like a shot.  Aren't friends great?

          Our dogs have different thoughts on the matter.  We have two beagles, one large and one small.  The large is Coco, and he loves the outdoors.  Smaller is Samantha (Sam for short), and she is definitely a couch potato.  Only goes out where there is absolutely no other option.

          Coco is our good dog, Sam is our bad dog - not that she is nasty or anything, but she is the one that ALWAYS ALWAYS gets into trouble.  In fact I have written two stories have been written about her that are in Volume 2 and Volume 3 of my "If Only I Could Talk" books.  They definitely make you shake your head, and laugh. 

          Enough about the snow.  Now it is time to discuss some heroes.

          Because I stay home this kind of weather I hear a lot of news on TV.  Just in the last week I have heard three of the most heart-warming stories of heroism, news snippets that usually get lost in the bigger picture.  Hero's come in all sizes, shapes, and types.

          The first one was about a pet cat.  You know how aloof cats are, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone sort of thing.  But not in this case.  This particular cat realized something was definitely not right when the house caught fire during the night.  Very persistently this cat meowed and meowed and meowed until her owner awoke during the night, and it was because of this that she and her cat were able to escape the house unharmed.  The house was destroyed.

          The second is a portion of a message to Parliament by the Prime Minister of Australia.  You all probably have seen the news about their (1) horrendous flooding, (2) huge wildfires, and (30 the largest cyclone in years to hit their coast.

          As their Prime Minister was speaking, she was in tears, telling some of the heroics that she was aware of.  There were so many.....she didn't have the time to share them all.

          She told of the folks filling sandbags.  They worked non-stop, hours at a time, backs breaking from the labor, but because it had to be done, they were doing it.  They didn't know if it would help or not, but they did it.  No one will ever really know of their long hours, but they did it.

          She told of the firefighters risking their lives to try to save homes, and to be sure that everyone was evacuated that needed to be, there again hours without rest, just there, because it was their job, and they did their job right. 

          She told of the 12 years old boy trapped in flood waters with his Mother and little brother.  When a rescuer reached them he told  this person to take his little brother first.  They were unable to save the older brother and Mother.

          Last of all is the story of the dog named, ironically, Hero.  Some time ago Hero was hit by a car and very seriously injured.  The vet suggested putting her down, but the family wanted everything possible done to save her.  She healed and went home.  A couple of nights ago her frantic barking awakened her family, and when  they investigated found the entire kitchen was engulfed in flames.  Hero managed to het herself and her family, husband, wife, daughter, out of the home with minor inuries.  She had come full circle.

          Heroes all.  Common ordinary folks or pets, going above and beyond, because it was the right thing to do.  It makes you realise that there is so much good in the world that goes un-noticed and un-sung.

          If any of your readers would like to comment or discuss any of my blogs, please e-mail me at the address on the top of the page.  Blogspot seems to have a problem with their comment area, it usually doesn't work. 

          Everyone have a good day and God Bless.

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