Tuesday, February 15, 2011

           UP-S and DOWN-S continued

          As I stated yesterday, it is time to do some serious down-sizing.  We have been doing the up-sizing for years.  Every time Tom and I traveled, there was always some little something we liked to remind us of our wonderful trip.  And we were given things, Jerry was given things, they just kept multiplying.  Now we have run out of room, not just one area, but in three areas.

          Area No 1 - the knickknacks, which consist of everything from miniature lighthouses, to pen knives, or something unique created by someone where we happened to be.

          Area No 2 - the mugs.  I think I have collected a mug from just about anywhere I have been.  But they are functional, nor ornamental, so I feel justified in my mug purchases. 

         Area No 3 - the books.  We are all readers in my family, I always have a book open that I am reading.  When traveling books go with me to fill in the dead spots of waiting, or whatever.

          Will deal with the knick-knacks first.  We have been sorting, keeping just the ones that really mean the most, ie: limited edition collectibles, or some really special meaning.  I am packing boxes of this stuff to donate to my Church for their next raffle, or bazaar, whichever comes first.  Whatever doesn't sell will be donated to the House of the Carpenter.

          Now for the mugs.  I don't own a cup.  We have  always preferred mugs.  When we have one of our holiday dinners, cookouts, or just get-togethers, I have my good china, but no cups.  I just place the mugs, along with creamer, sugar and sweetener beside the coffee pot. 

          We always do our get-togethers buffet style, because there are so many that love to come to our hill-top, and we are spread over two rooms, the dining room and living room.  Hence the buffet style meals.  So I am keeping my mugs, some are in the curio cabinet, the remainder in my kitchen cupboard.  Someday someone is going to get a lot of mugs.  Scratch that particular down-sizing off my list.

          Finally the books.  Tom was a WW II Veteran, serving in the South Pacific and the occupation of Japan.  He also loved reading, westerns, history, farming (as at one time he was a dairy farmer), and life in general.  For years he received books for Christmas and Birthday, and sometimes in-between.

          We have shelves of hard-back books falling into all the above genres.  We will have to do some major sorting.  What we are not going to keep will also go to my Church, then to the House of the Carpenter.  But there are many we will be keeping.  Good luck down the road kids!

           I have both hard-back and soft-back books that I read, and I love reading just about anything, especially if there is a mystery connected.  I buy all soft-backs, but have both hard and soft back books given to me at times.  I have been and will continue donating the soft backs to other readers, my Church, etc.  The hard backs I will keep, at least for the time-being.

          The one series of books neither Jerry nor I will to let go is the collection of all the books Rebecca's publishing house has published.  Every one of them is an excellent read, and I always anxiously await her new release so I can read the story.  To check out the different books go to www.doubleedgepress.com - which is her web site.  All books are listed there.

          I forgot one very big category, and that is framed pictures.  Of course you all know I have my own photography business, selling my photographic artwork.  Then there is the artwork of various artist friends, Jerry's wildlife prints, and limited editions, along with other pictures that have just jumped out and grabbed my attention.  We are in the process of rearranging the walls. Some of my work is being recycled back into the business, either that or build an addition on to the house, which Jerry says "You got to be crazy".  I guess that means "NO"

          I think we will look good after we finish that project, and the over flow is going into my bedroom.  I may end up with wall-to-wall pictures, but love every one of them.

          I am attaching a picture here of part of my family.  Mike's wife and Linda and her family were not available at that time, but that will come later.

From left to right:  Son Andrew, Son Michael, Unknown subject, Son Jerry, Son-in-law Neal, Daughter-in-law Lauri and Daughter Rebecca.  The rear end is dog Sam.

          Everyone have a good day and God Bless.

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