Thursday, February 3, 2011

                          PICTURES and STORIES

Today I think I'll talk about pictures and stories.

There are the stories about my pictures, and the stories told by my pictures.

When people come into my booth at the art festivals looking at my work, they like to know about the picture or pictures they are looking at. I will explain to them why I took the picture, what I was thinking, how did it want it to look, etc etc. It seems everyone loves to hear a story.

For instance - on one of my trips to Niagara Falls I was looking for something different. As I walked upstream from the falls on the American side I noticed a very large boulder in the middle of the river. Most folks would just notice it and think "just a rock". I stopped to look.
The water was very blue that day, and swirling around this bolder it was white, you could see it was very fast-moving. And growing out of that rock was a tall (probably 18-24 inches), blooming. Nothing but rock surrounded by water. But here was this flower blooming.

This is the story about the picture.


This would be the story as told by the boulder: this is a very abreviated version of what I think the boulder would tell.

I live in the Niagara River. I have been here forever. I thought I had seen everything, but no, there is always one more thing.

Somewhere along the line a seed was dropped on me, maybe many seeds. I get that all the time. But this time one of the seeds decided to make me its home. Pretty soon i felt little roots creeping down through my many cracks and crevices, and next there were little green shoots

reaching toward the sky.

This little shoot grew and grew, and all at once it began to bloom. I was transformed from just a plain old rock to something unique and special. It just goes to show what miracles can occur from one little seed randomly dropped on.

This gives you an idea of the difference between the story behind the picture and the told b y the picture.

For more of these stories go into my web site -

There you will find my pictures and the books I have written as told from the subjects view point. They are Volume 1 and 2 entitled IF ONLY I COULD TALK. Volume 3 is currently at the publishers, to be released sometime in late fall before Christmas.

Also on my web site you will find my pictures. Go into Landscapes and scroll through, you will find the picture of the Niagara River, the Rock, and the Flower.

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