Sunday, February 3, 2013



I have a good life.  I live in Library Pennsylvania with my wife Phyllis.  We are well taken care of.  Life is just fine EXCEPT...

We are sleeping peacefully - that's what groundhogs do when the weather is cold and snow covers the ground.  We have great care-takers who, of all things, take care of us.  We have the best accommodations for ourselves and our off-spring.  Good food.  That is the best part of all.

And so, as it happens once every year, I am rudely awakened on what I am told is February 1st.  I am transported to a place called Gobbler's Knob in a town called Punxsutawaney in Pennsylvania.  I guess Library is also in Pennsylvania.

There I am dumped into, what's supposed to be my lair, but it looks more like a hole in the ground.

I know what is going to happen next.  It just keeps happening.  Since 1887 this has taken place.  There is a day named after me, and on that famous day - February 2 Groundhog day - just check your calendar - the fun begins.  And I do mean fun.

At 7:26 a.m., just sunrise, I am rudely awakened and my two "handlers" bring me out of my hole and hold me just so.  The just so has to be just right, because everyone wants to see if I see my shadow.  Like I care or what.

I know that yesterday I am told that I DID NOT see my shadow, and that means that spring is just around the corner.  I also heard it said that my early spring prediction has been correct 39% of the time.  Whoopee!!!!!!

Yesterday was a long day.  Up before daylight, held up for all to see, waiting for the sun to rise, listening to over 40,000 - that's right - 40,000  people who were also up long before daylight to witness my "performance" .  And with the practice I have had - 126 years - I should know how to"ham  it up for all it's worth".

My picture is all over the world.  I am oohed and awed over, people want to touch me, pictures are taken, I am given special treats.  I am a celebrity.

The celebration went on into the night.  All I wanted to do was go home and go back to sleep.

There were parties, all kinds of events, food, laughter, some tears, dancing, music, you name it, it was going on.

Well, I am back home now with Phyllis, who by the way slept through the whole thing, and is still asleep.  I know it won't be long until I am also asleep, it was a long busy two days.  But now all my days will be leisurely, we will be well taken care of, and Groundhog Day is just a memory - until next year.

I hope you have enjoyed Phil's story.  I am attaching a couple of pictures, not mine, but "borrowed" from a couple of web-sites.  They say it all.

As of right now it is just putting down the snow.  I wanted to go to Church, but really don't have the energy to walk back up the hill when I come home and find my trusty van will not accommodate me.  Better to be safe than sorry.

If you are out and about today, be careful and God Bless.

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