Thursday, January 31, 2013



Well!  Don't know what else to say. January is DEFINITELY ending with a bang.

Couldn't even get outside to feed my outdoor cat.  He was probably staying warm in the barn anyway.

Went from 65 (yesterday) to 25 (right now), the rain froze and, of course, covered the patio, then it snowed.  Just a dusting.  But it is the wind that is the killer.

You do have to give me points.  Tried to get out.  Door opened into the wind.  Wind stronger than me.  Did get outside.  Almost blew away.

Where there was snow on the ice I could stand up, sort of.  Trouble was, the wind kept blowing the snow away.  Decided my cat could go one day without food.  He is pretty healthy looking, and he is the smart one.

Right.  Got a cat  that is smarter than me.  He knows when to stay in, dumb me, I feel sorry he doesn't have any food.  I tried.  Ended up coming back into the house.  

I no more than got in than the dogs decided they just had to go out.  Dumb dogs.  But, look who is talking.  Told then they wouldn't like it, but they insisted.  

Opened the door, dogs ran out.  Closed the door and returned to the kitchen.  Heard Sam (I know it was her because she is the smaller one and scratches on the storm door whens he wants in), turned around and went back and let her in.  No Coco.

I don't worry about Coco, he is larger, has a heavier coat, and loves it outside.  I called, but he didn't come of course.

Shut the door, returned to the kitchen. Decided I didn't want to do anything there, so sat down at the computer. 

Of course then I started feeling guilty.  So got up, went to the door and called for Coco.  He came running, almost knocked me down coming through the door.  I think he had had enough also.

Can't say I am sorry to see January ending.  It has been a bumpy ride with highs and lows and everything in-between.

Saturday is Groundhog Day.  Yep, our famous groundhog will be predicting the next 6 weeks of weather.  Punxatawney Phil. (hope I spelled that right).  Funny thing, he is more accurate than our highly paid weather forecasters with all their sophistic thing-a-ma-bobs. 

Hopefully I won't blow off the hill.  Know I am definitely not going anywhere today.  Guess I'll take a page from my cat's book and stay put.

If you have to be out stay safe and God Bless. 

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