Saturday, January 5, 2013



And what point am I trying to make?  Well, let's go back a ways.

I believe you remember when I mentioned that our chest freezer died, deader than a door nail.  Luckily we caught it before the food was thawed, and since it was sort of an emergency we just sort of threw, sort of, everything in our upright freezer, which was pretty full to begin with, and our downstairs refrigerator freezer, which was also pretty full to begin with. 

Well, it turns out today was LET'S ORGANIZE OUR FREEZERS day.  Whoopee Ding.  Just what I wanted to do on a cold winters day is rearrange frozen food.  I held the door open - it   has a tendency to close unless blocked or held open.  I was the door-holder.  Better than the frozen hands person, who shall remain nameless.

Any how nameless began sorting and re-arranging.  I have to give him credit, he knows what he is doing.  He probably has the world title for stacking frozen, strange shaped packages without them all falling down. Yet.

Anyhow all the meat is with the meat, the fish is with the fish (this is what we have left from the Alaska fishing expedition, part is ours part is another sons) and other stuff is with the other stuff.  If the other son gets his fish we will have about one entire shelf empty.  If...........

Even had to rearrange the kitchen refrigerator freezer.  Must say it looks pretty good.  Have a little of everything up here so I don't have to run downstairs every time I want to cook a meal.  Even have a frozen home-made apple pie up here to put in oven tomorrow for supper.

So where does the freezer burn come into play?  First of all why is it called "burn" when it is actually cold?  Verrrrrrrrrry verrrrrrrrrrrry cold.  The organizer finally had to break down and put on gloves, his hands were frozen freezer burn.  FFB for short.  I'm glad I held the door.

And how has your day been?  No freezer burn I hope.  Take care and God Bless.

PS - I still can't upload any pictures.  Will not let me browse.  Dumb computer.  Maybe it should go into the freezer.  I think I could make room for it.

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