Tuesday, January 1, 2013


N E W   Y E A R .... JANUARY 01 2013

Hard to believe.  I was in bed at 10:30 last night.  Says a lot for me.

We have a fresh 2 inches of snow here on our hill top.  Just what we needed.  I won't be going anywhere for a while. 

Luckily I have a lot of projects to keep me busy.  Tomorrow is officially PUT AWAY CHRISTMAS DAY.  It is the day I traditionally put all Christmas decorations away for another year.  That is project No. 1.

I also have:

Close out another business year, getting ready for good old income tax deadline.

Get ready for a new business year, applying to festivals, re-vamping my inventory, all that good stuff.

Also am planning on doing some traveling for new photo ops.  That is always fun.

Have some books to read for possible book reviews.

Also my newest book "That's The Way It Was", tentative title, is on the possible 2013 publishing list. 

And, of course, all the every-day normal things that need to be done.  I know you all are familiar with the drill.

I saw in this mornings paper they are already calling this THE BAD LUCK year, because it is 13.  Just what I really wanted to read today.  Then again, seeing as how 12 was a REALLY REALLY bad year, maybe 13 will be a good year.  Even if it is a bad year I don't think it can be as bad as 12.  At least I am hoping.  Ever the optimist.

As in years past, the deer are already gathering on the hill, looking for their free hand-out.  Bossman told them tough, they had to wait until all deer hunting has ended for the year.  He will not put out food if there are hunters around.  

But once hunting season is over, he will put out the corn, and whatever else he puts out, along with a mineral block and salt block.  The deer know.  As soon as they hear a tractor they come up out of the hollow and woods, waiting. 

Doesn't matter if he is putting out food, plowing the driveway, or our neighbor (who shall remain nameless) is getting hay, they hear a tractor, they come looking.

Well, guess I have rambled enough for one day.
Had better get started on some of my projects.

I hope you all had a safe and fun New Year's Eve, whether you partied, or slept, and that the new year No. 13 will be a good year for all of us.  I think we need a break.  So take care, count your blessings, and God Bless.  

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