Friday, January 25, 2013



I also found out I could post on my blog again.  Don't know what is going on, but going to take advantage of being able to post pics on my blog for as long as I can.

I posted a picture from Yellowstone National Park on facebook yesterday and got a lot of comments.  That is what decided me to write this blog today. 

Several years ago, probably about 6 by now, I was fortunate to get booked on a AAA bus trip to Yellowstone in the winter (Jan-Feb time frame)  And what an awesome trip it was.

Tom and I had been to Yellowstone in the fall on one of our trips to Arizona to visit the kids.  It was amazing then.  But in the winter- words cannot do it justice.

We flew to Salt Lake City.  This group consisted of  30 folks from all over the U.S. and Canada.  All ages from the very young (early 20's) to the very old (mid 80's) and all in between.

From Salt Lake City we boarded a bus, driving through the Tetons just at sunrise.  Snow everywhere, wind blowing but we didn't mind, it was just so beautiful at sunrise, with the moon setting behind the mountains.

We continued on towards Yellowstone on our bus.  Shortly before we reached the entrance to the park we left the bus and boarded snow coaches.  Really unique vehicles, skis on the front for steering and tank treads on the back for traction (there was about 3 foot of snow on the ground). 

The only way we were permitted in the park during winter was in a snow coach or on a snow mobile.  Thank goodness for snow coaches.

Top  speed of the snow coach was 35 mph.  Gave us plenty of time to look, and look we did.  There were also many photo stops along the way. 

The entire top of our coach was one giant hatch.  When we were close to the wild-life our driver would stop, open the hatch.  We could stand up in the coach actually from the waist up were outside, and what pictures we could take!   As long as we were quiet the animals ignored us.  I guess they were used to these strange-looking yellow animals roaming the park.

We spent several nights in the park at the new lodge near Old Faithful.  Didn't matter it was way below freezing, Old Faithful just kept spouting.

We did driving tours and walking tours while in the park.  Saw several other geysers, the hot springs, and neatest of all, the mist from the geysers froze on everything.  What an awesome sight.

We could drive for miles, the snow beautiful, white and clean, not a mark on it.  Then we would reach a region where the animals had criss-crossed the area, all types of tracks in the snow. 

Our time in the park was way too short.  But then when you are having a good time there is never enough time.

Upon leaving the park we arrived at west Yellowstone, where we spent the night and the next morning boarded our bus once again for the drive back to Salt Lake City, and then home.

If you ever want to do something special, take this trip.   Triple A offers this trip once a year in the Jan-Feb time frame.  It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful (and cold) trips I have ever taken.

Guess another storm is heading our way with more snow later today in to tomorrow. Glad I ran my errands yesterday.  I can sit back and relax.  I've already told Bossman he can pick up the paper and mail on his way home from work.  He asked why.  The driveway wouldn't be bad yet.  Told him I didn't care, I was staying in.  If nothing else works I just tell him I am retired and have seniority, and can do whatever I want to do.  So far he hasn't come up with a proper response yet.

So enjoy your weekend, stay safe. and God Bless.

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