Friday, March 11, 2011

A CONTINUATION OF whatever..........

One of our first stops on the way to Vermont was Cooperstown New York.  This was the home of James Fennemore Cooper, author, and the baseball hall of fame.

          I am not a baseball person, it is o.k., but that is all.  I am a FOOTBALL fan, especially PITTSBURGH STEELERS.  But I follow the stats of Pittsburgh's baseball team, the Pirates, and hockey team, the Penguins.

          We had half a day in Cooperstown, with the baseball hall of fame to be our priority.  Half an hour was it, I could say I had been there.  But there was one aspect of the hall of fame that I did enjoy.  Take a look:

          My friend Kay and I spent the remainder of our time wandering the streets of Cooperstown.  The best part was the statue of James Fennemore Cooper, and the Church and Graveyard where he and his family were buried.  This was a typical New England type of place, and we spent quite a bit of time looking at the various tombstones.  Most were really really old.  It was amazing to see the different styles, read the message engraved on the stones, and, of course, take pictures.

          The only downside to this day was not enough time.  There were so many other neat and interesting places to visit, but then you never have enough time when you travel. 

          Then it was on to Vermont.  What neat things will we see on the rest of our trip?  Perhaps tomorrow I will tell you about a moose for Jessica. 

          Have a safe weekend and God Bless.

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