Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PROJECTS - How they are moving along...

          I believe I mentioned a while back about our projects.  Well, the house project is moving along.  All pictures off of the walls, bookcases emptied, computer room cleaned out.  Just have to move furniture from the living room and computer room.   

          At this time we are only doing the LR, CR, and hallway.  The kitchen is the next BIG job on the list, but that is down the road aways.  The bedrooms will be last.  I think we have our color scheme finalized (subject to change as always), and have someone coming this evening to see about the perfa-taping and "muddng" the walls, sanding, getting them ready to paint.

          If our handy helper is agreeable to the painting, I won't mind a bit.  At this stage of my life I AM NOT looking for more work.  I have more than enough to do to keep me out of trouble (or get me into trouble, depending on circumstance).

          So tonight we should have a decision on whether we will have help.  We have (by that I mean Jerry with me getting in the way) taken all the corner strips off and put up all the outside corner strips, to make nice square corners.  That is, they will be square if Jerry and I don't have to do it.  Otherwise, ut oh!

          Please please keep your fingers crossed that our handy helper is agreeable to being our handy helper. 

          Regarding my other project - getting ready for upcoming art festivals, I am currently working on my inventory, seeing what needs to be printed, whether re-prints or new, what is coming out, what I am going to discontinue.  On the discontinued I will put a ridiculously low price on them, hoping I can dispose of them to someone who would really like to have them.

          Of the 5 juried shows I have applied for, I have been rejected by one, accepted by two, the two remaining waiting for results.  So far a pretty good average of acceptance to new festivals.

This is a picture I took in December.  It is not a business picture, but just something I liked.  I thought maybe you would enjoy seeing it.

I do have a Carousel Horse category in my business pictures.  Several years ago everyone was decorating with carousel horses, I could not print up, or get enough new pictures, to keep up with the demand.  That, like so many fads, faded away into the sunset to be replaced by other fads. 

I have gone through so many phases in the last thirty plus years, a lot of which I no longer print as they are out of style.  There are still many more categories that are either constant, or a relatively new series of pictures I have been doing.  It is trying to figure out what will be the in thing this year.

          If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to let me know.  Looking forward to the warmer, sunnier days projected for the next few days.  I am ready for sunshine.

          Have a safe day and God Bless.

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