Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Time Flies.......................................

          I just put my Christmas tree away!!!  Now it is March.  The first quarter of the new year is flying by, and I know that as each day passes the time will go faster.  How can that be?  The days still have 24 hours, the hours still have 60 minutes, the minutes still have 60 seconds, so how can time go faster?  If you can figure that out, please let me know.

          It was about 18 months ago that my sister's granddaughter started planning her wedding.  Piece of cake, all kinds of time, what's the rush?

          Now it is 2 weeks.  What happened to that "piece of cake, all kinds of time?"  The rush is upon us.

          Sons Jerry and Michael, son-in-law Neal and grandson Austin are going to be ushers. 

          My sister only has the one daughter and son-in-law, so usher duty is falling on my side of the family, mostly. 

          Seems strange.  There were just 3 of us girls in our family, but our youngest sister passed away while just a young woman, leaving Ruth and me.  She had one daughter.  I ended up with five kids.  I wouldn't trade any one of them to anyone, even if offered money.  Well, how much money are you offering?  Just kidding.

          But it does kind of make for a lop-sided scenario, thank goodness for sons, son-in-law and grandsons.  I know we will have a fun day.  New beginnings for some, the end of an era for others.  Getting married and having children of your own - one era.  Your children getting married, having children of their own - another era.  Your grand-children getting married - still another era.  And then your grandchildren are having children - and if you are lucky you get to be involved in all these eras.

          So much for rambling.  The wedding is fast approaching, it will be a busy but fun day.  Brides are always so beautiful - it is a magical time in their lives.  There will NEVER be another day to rival this - their wedding day.  And the days will pass, and the years, and the decades, and all at once you are older, slower, more forgetful, less energetic, just sort of putting in time. 

          But no regrets, your life has been full, you have done well, for them and for yourself, and looking back you remember so many little things, things that have led up to this very moment.

          For every ending there is a new beginning, so don't look back but look ahead, who knows what magical moments still await you.  Remember the good times, forget the bad times, they really don't count.  You are here now, the past is the past, look forward to every tomorrow.

          Enjoy today and God Bless.

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