Sunday, October 14, 2012


UNTIL ... OCTOBER 14 2012 ....

I got up this morning - hooray I survived another night - thinking it was just another Sunday.  I was wrong.

Posted on my facebook page was a video.  The video was of a little girl and the song her Uncle wrote for her to sing.  The little girl is Jackie Evancho from Pittsburgh.  The song - well you need to listen to it.  Words cannot explain it.

It is a song about prayer, hope, compassion - it is a song that should bring tears to your eyes. 

In this period of time we desperately need all of the above.  Jackie did a tremendous job, you could hear a pin drop while she sang.

Of all the adults, lay folks and preachers, Jackie Evancho was the one able to reach out and touch every one's heart. Thank you Jackie.

I have posted this video on my time line.  Take time and listen.

God Bless.  

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