Monday, July 4, 2011


A beautiful 3rd of July yesterday.  After Church, finished pre-food prep, caught up on some paper work, then went to the cookout we were invited to.

There was sooooo  much goooood foooood.  Tried to sample everything, came home stuffed to the gills.  But it was fun.  Hope I fit into my clothes tomorrow, but right now have my doubts.

It was great for Linda as she was able to touch base with so many friends she had grown up with, and only gets to see when she comes home from Arizona.  It was a great day for her. 

Poor dogs thought they had been abandoned, but I came home early so I could let them out for the last time of the evening, then they would go to bed, eat their treats, and go to sleep.  Wonder what they will dream about?

They surely do look mis-treated don't they.  Coco, on the left is very laid back, very big, and very fast when chasing the bunnies.

Sam on the right looks more like a Beagle, is afraid of thunder, loves to run the bunnies, but lets Coco go first to break a path through the briars so she doesn't get her face scratched.  Typical female.

The also know how to work the system (the system being me!).  Jerry can ignore them, but when they want something (and I can tell what they want) they will come and sit and just stare at me.  Jerry can ignore the staring, so they don't mess with him.  I can't.  After a while it gives me the willy's, and so I get up, or stop what I am doing, and see to them.  They know exactly what they are doing.  They basically have me wrapped around their little paws.

The fire-works display started about 9:30, and I can see it just fine from my hilltop.  Best part, the noise is not as loud as if I were down in the valley, so I can just enjoy the colors and formations.  The best of both worlds.

There will be more fireworks tonight.  Sam thinks it is thunder and tries to climb me like I was a tree or something.  Stupid dog!!!  First of all, dogs can't climb trees, secondly I am NOT a tree, so keep all four of your feet on the floor dodo bird!  But then she looks at you and smiles - yes smiles.  This dog can actually smile at you.  Her eyes will sparkle, her tail will wag a mile a minute, how can you resist?  She knows exactly what buttons to push.  I'm sure glad she can't talk, that would be a disaster.

Well, better get busy here, things to do before everyone begins arriving.  Have a happy safe Fourth of July and God Bless.

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