Friday, July 1, 2011

I'VE LOST 6 MONTHS.......JULY 02 2011..........

I got up this morning and realized the second half of the year starts today.  Where did the first half go?  Seems like it was just New Year's day, now another one is looming on the horizon.  I guess that what keeping busy does to you.

Also today was moving day.  Not me, a family member.  Jerry's cousin, who has been staying with us for the last 18 months, closed yesterday on the house he wanted to purchase -- so today we moved.

Everyone but me was up and starting to load stuff around 6 a.m .  I was the smart one, I didn't get up until 7 a.m.  By then the trailer was loaded, one pick-up truck loaded, the second pick-up started, and finally my van.  But we got everything loaded, then off to Richmond Ohio and the new house.  Poor Lady, his dog, didn't know what to think about all this stuff.  And that is why I am so late with my blog today.  Had to supervise the moving.

Arrived, unloaded, had lunch, returned home.  Now everyone but me is napping, on the couch, in a chair, whatever, they are all snoring.  You should hear the concert I am surrounded with.  I am trying to catch up with myself.

One good thing, this morning the temperature was good for physical work.  This afternoon, it is 90 degrees and humid.  Glad we are done with the hard work. 

Hopefully later today I will get started with my matting.  I don't think there is going to be too much activity around here.  Even the dogs are napping.  I am sure when the kids flew home from Arizona they had not planned on becoming professional movers. 

However, this move has been 18 months in the working, and everyone is glad things have worked out as they did.  Richmond is only about an hour away, so it is not like he moved half way across the country.  He is plenty close enough to be here for all the family stuff.

And speaking of family stuff, the small 4th of July bash we were planning now has approximately 25 (and counting) people attending.  Seems we can't do anything on a small scale, but I love every moment of it.

It is no wonder my head spins, figuratively and for real.  I feel like a windmill, my arms going in different directions, spinning madly, along with my head.  No wonder folks look at me in a strange way.  And speaking of strange ways - my friend Russ (who does the art festivals with me) has always said that I have the word INFORMATION written across my forehead.  Linda just laughed when I told her, but she found out differently yesterday.

We went grocery shopping.  Going through check-out the check out man noticed my shirt (it had an Art In The Park logo on it) and asked what I did.  I told him photography, the conversation started.  He takes pictures, wanted to know about switching to digital, where the best place to buy was, etc, etc.  Luckily there were very few people in the store and Linda and I were the only ones in that check-out line.  INFORMATION!!!

Nest we hit Wal-mart at the Highlands to complete our shopping.  I stopped at the fresh corn bin, and began checking to bring corn home for supper tonight.  A very lovely older couple stopped at the bin, and she began asking me if I thought the corn was good.  It is so hard to tell, by just looking.  It did look good, so I mentioned that since it was 5 for $1.00 (or .20cents each) that if it wasn't you weren't out too much.  She ended up buying 3 ears for her and her husband, chatting with me all the time.  INFORMATION!!!

At the festivals, someone is always coming into my booth and asking if I knew if such and such a vendor was there, and if so where.  Where are the restrooms?  Do you know which food vendors are the best?  Have you seen so and so?  INFORMATION!!!!

I think my forehead glows in large day-glo colors.  Either that, or I look as if I were a really really intelligent person.  I like to think it is the intelligent part.

So much for my day.  Sorry to be so late.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

The above picture was on my winter Yellowstone trip several years ago, we saw lots of Buffalo, everywhere.  We had to stop here and wait for them to move.  If you ever want a fantastic trip, do the winter Yellowstone tour.

Maybe, since it is to hot today, this pic will help cool you off a little.  Enjoy and God Bless.

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