Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Genius?  Jack-of-all-trades?  Know-it-all? Can do anything?  Can't do anything?  Darned if I know!

I am sitting at home, just minding my own business yesterday afternoon when I receive this phone call.  I was half way expecting this call, figured one of the kids would touch base re their trip home.   I was right.

Jerry called.  They were just getting ready to leave Homer for their drive to Anchorage.  I asked how the fishing went.  He said fantastic, they did get to book a half day for fishing yesterday morning, and were coming home tired, but happy. 

I asked how much fish they caught.  Answer "Lots".  How much is "lots".  Fish were biting like crazy.  Lots means a lot.  Dumb me.

I asked if we were going to have enough room for all this frozen fish.  But before I get into that, I need to back up a little bit.  Well, maybe a big bit.

In our family room downstairs we have a refrigerator, next to it an upright freezer, and next to it, now, a small chest freezer.  The reason I say now is that the chest freezer used to be in another location, then after Bob moved out, we moved the chest freezer over beside the two other appliances.  We (meaning Jerry) cleaned out the chest freezer, and did not want to plug it in right away.  Then off to Alaska!  To catch fish!  Never mind that the upright freezer is full, almost to capacity.  Piece of cake. 

This is the view from the plane when crossing the Canadian Rockies.

So we have a refrigerator, full of soft (and some hard) drinks for the gang when everyone is here.  The fridge freezer is full of stuff.  Odds and ends.  A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

The upright freezer is our beef freezer, along with frozen vegetables, blackberries (that were picked on the farm and frozen) home-made frozen pies and other stuff.

The chest freezer is sitting there with it's top up, looking stupid.

And so I asked my dumb question, "are we going to have enough room for all this fish?"

Jerry said sure, all I had to do was go downstairs and plug in the chest freezer.  That would give plenty of time for it to cool down before he got home today.  Piece of cake.  Ha ha ha ha!

Number l - the closest electric outlet is between the refrigerator and upright freezer.  Thank goodness the refrigerator is plugged into another outlet further away.

No 2 - the upright freezer is soooo big I cannot reach the outlet on the wall.  There is just slightly an arm's width of space between the freezer and the fridge.  My arms are about 3 inches too short.  There are no other outlets closer.

No 3 - the chest freezer cord isn't long enough anyway to go behind the upright freezer and plug in.  It is like my arms, about 3 inches too short.

No 4 - don't know how many pounds of frozen fish is on its way to West Alexander.

Not to worry, I can do anything.  Right?

Mike is gone - and I was informed that some of his fish was coming to my house as he doesn't have enough room for all of it at his house.  I haven't seen Tim, not sure if he is home or not.  No way am I going to bother my neighbors, they have enough to shake their heads about as it is.

So being the genius that I am I started looking for power strips.  I finally found one that did not have a really long cord, but it was a very very very well insulated power cord, could probably stand up by itself. 

Getting hold of the cord, reaching as far as I could, I managed to get it aimed at the outlet, and with a little jiggling and pushing the prongs found the right holes.  It took some doing, but eventually I did get it plugged in.  When I pressed the on button, it lit up.  Be careful not to jiggle anything, and maybe it will stay plugged in.

Next I plugged the freezer plug into the power strip, and heard the freezer kick on.  So I am standing there holding this stuff, not knowing what to do with it.  Finally I decided to try laying the power strip, complete with cords on top of the upright freezer.  They just made it.  I didn't want to drop anything on to the floor, for fear it would come unplugged, for fear I would not be able to retrieve it to replug it, for fear I would be facing  boxes of fish with nowhere to put them.

So this morning I am playing the waiting game.  The freezer is cooling down.  Hopefully it will be cold enough.  The light is still on  for the power cord, so unless the light is lying to me, it is working. 

Isn't it great having a genius like me just loafing around at home, waiting for these weird phone calls, so I show everyone just how smart I am?

If you believe that one, I really feel sorry for you.  In the meantime, enjoy your calm serene day without having to worry about being buried by frozen fish, and God Bless.

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