Tuesday, August 30, 2011

NANCY and ME and the BRIDGE MAKES THREE......AUGUST 30 2011

Today I will begin the saga of our weekend.  We left about 7 a.m. Saturday morning, stopped at Bob Evans in Morgantown WV for breakfast.  Then on the road.  Our first stop was in Philippi West Virginia to see their famous Philippi Covered Bridge.

Now for some history -- The Philippi Covered Bridge was built in 1852 serving both local traffic and U S. Route 250 traffic.

The bridge is 26 feet wide (a double lane bridge) and 285 feet long.  This bridge was the site of the first land battle of the Civil War on June 3 1861.  Union troops surprised the Confederate troops, capturing this very important bridge.  The bridge changed hands several times during the Civil War.

This is the bridge as it looks today.

In the beginning there was a tollgate at the east end to collect fares.  Carriages with two horses were charged 35 cents.  A horse and rider paid 10 cents, a score of sheep 5 cents, and each head of cattle 1.5 cents.  (Did they have half cent coins, or did they cut a penny in half?)

This next picture is one I took years ago of the original bridge.

In February 1989 this original bridge was severely damaged by fire.  It took two years to rebuild the bridge, finally ready to re-open Rt 250 across the Tygart River.

Upon tearing down the charred bridge, numerous musket balls were found embedded in the wood, remnants of the Civil War Battles.

This bridge was our first stop on our way to Cass. 

We had no fixed schedule, just had to check in at the Cass Park headquarters to pick up our cottage key before 4 p.m.  You have probably figured out that this is Nancy and me. 

We just potsied along, I kept son Mike busy turning around and going back when there was something I wanted to photograph.  Luckily he likes to take pictures also (he is very good) so he didn't decide to leave me somewhere alongside the road, figuring he would pick me up on the way home on Sunday, provided he returned the same way, which we didn't.

We really had a good time.  Bobbie and Tim were on their way to Cass (they are both in the army, and have their home on the West Virginia border) where we would all meet up for the weekend. 

I have a lot more pictures, some of which I will share during this week.

In the meantime have to get busy here.  Son Andy and D-i-L Lauri arriving on Friday evening for a 9 day visit.  Can hardly wait.

You will see more of Nancy, as she is going with us when we visit Niagara Falls next week. 

So, in the meantime, enjoy the sunshine.  It really does feel like fall outside, especially in the mornings.  Winter will be here all too soon, so relax, enjoy, and God Bless.

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