Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WHAT AM I MISSING?.....AUGUST 24 2011.....................

Good question.  I must be missing something.  Maybe I really don't want to know what I am missing.  Perhaps it is better to be like the ostrich, burying my head in the sand.  Maybe not.

Let's see - On Sunday we had sunshine, thunder, lightning, torrential rains, horrendous wind, a 20 foot tree down across our driveway.  Just your every-day Sunday.

Monday was beautiful all day, cool temps, blue sky, fluffy white clouds, the best of the best.

Tuesday was a beautiful day, warm temps, blue sky, fluffy white clouds, the best of the best plus an EARTH QUAKE.  the entire east coast was rocked with this earth quake, clear up into Canada, west into Michigan.

I had just come in from outside and was sitting at my computer when my chair began to vibrate.  I thought one of the dogs was leaning against the chair and scratching itself (they have a tendency to do that), but upon looking - no dogs in sight.  The chair was doing it's thing all by itself. 

Just about that time I began to think that I had really really lost it - my mind that is.  Just too much going on.  Now I am imagining vibrating chairs. 

Then the phone rings.  It is daughter Linda in Arizona.  "DID YOU FEEL THE EARTH QUAKE?"  Voila, the light bulb came on.  My chair really was vibrating, it was the earth quake.  I turned on Fox news, and, yes, we were experiencing a real live quake.  If I am nuts, so is everyone else in the entire eastern United States.

This makes the third time in my life that I have experienced that phenomena.
When  I was about 10 years old I remember seeing the pictures on the walls at home slipping and sliding.  Yelling for my Mom, I asked what was happening and she explained that we had just experienced an earth quake.  WOW!

The second time was when I was still working for the County.  I was on the 4th floor of the county office building.  All at once our chairs began moving around (they were all on rollers, you know the drill) and they were moving us around all by themselves.  It was another earth quake. I guess the higher up you are, the more you feel the movement.

Jerry came after work yesterday and told me he was in a meeting, when all the papers on the table began walking around all by themselves.  They are all looking at each other, but no one wanted to say anything - what if you were just imagining it?

And on top of all this we have a hurricane bearing down on the east coast which could be one of the worst in several years. 

I must have missed a lot of news, and weather reports, and warnings, because I really didn't expect any of the above.  Either that, or all the news, weather reports and warnings didn't materialize, or I just didn't pay that much attention, because the weather reports are wrong most of the time any way.  Whatever, it has been an unusual few days.

Now back to normality.  Got some mowing done yesterday, made my zucchini bread, and printed what pictures I am going to add for the business when festivals start again in September.  Today have to take car into dealership for recall repairs.  Will, hopefully, finish mowing this afternoon, but right now it looks pretty iffy.

This is one of our pretty summer evenings, as the sun is going down.  We get so many beautiful sunset here on the hill top.

I am going to share one more picture with you today.  This was from my Hawaiian trip. 

I call it WHIMSIES.  I guess that is a word, but that is the title of the picture.  Can you guess which one is me?

If you all are smart, and I know you are or you wouldn't be reading my blog, you should be able to pick me out in a heart-beat. 

This is why I always have a camera at hand, you never know when there is going to be a photo-op, indoors or out.

The photo-op I am waiting for is my daughter walking the streets of Bentleyville in her "pink tutu".  If you don't know what I am talking about, read her blog of a couple of days ago.  The link to her blog is usually on my home page.

Well, signing out for now, have to hit the road.  Hopefully we will have a calm day, no jiggling and shaking, walking papers and vibrating chairs.  If not, well just hold on tight, say a prayer, and God Bless.

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