Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RUNNIN' LATE - AGAIN - OCTOBER 18 2011..............

Nothin' new about that.  But am really late posting today.  Can't even blame it on anyone else.  Just me. 

Got the flower beds cleaned off yesterday afternoon, now, finally, they are really ready for winter.  The grass needs mowed again.  It is late October for pete's sake.  Mowing should be done. 

Was watching Monday night football and Hawaii 5 0, bouncing back and forth. Finally about 10 p.m. could hardly stay awake.  All that out in the fresh air stuff in the afternoon.  Threw in the towel, went to bed and crashed.

Midnight.  Wide awake.  Tossed and turned.  Finally got some hot milk, that usually puts the lights out for me.  Nope.  2:30 a.m. still awake.  Decided to read a while.  Did I get sleepy.  Nada.  3:00 a.m. decided to play hearts and solitaire on the computer.  4:00 a.m. back to bed.  

Still awake at 4:40 a.m. and heard Jerry get up.  That is his normal get-up time, and I never, but never, hear him.  Did last night.  Then, finally the next thing I knew it was after 9:30 a.m.  So am running late.  Again.

Got my OJ and tea.  Fed the cats.  Started my daily computer routine.  Got a phone call, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, washed Sam's feet as she is still looking for her pot of gold (in her case something to eat).  Or whatever.  Got another phone call.  So here I am, almost Price is Right time and I am still trying to catch up with myself.  Actually it is P is R time.

I very rarely have a night I can't sleep.  Hit the bed, out like a light, as the saying goes.  But then there is that one night, nothing works, I play, and lose, a lot of hearts. 

Rained again last night.  Nothing new there.  Sun shining today, the dew is sparkling on the grass, that needs mowed again, it is actually calm, no wind blasting our hill top.  I hope this isn't the calm before another storm.  I wonder what winter will bring?  Will it be another stormagedden like a couple of years ago?

 This was Jerry measuring during the storm.  You can see how hard it was snowing, and it just kept on and kept on.

 After the storm.  Talk about a winter wonderland. 

One of my outdoor kittys coming from the barn to be fed breakfast.  She was jumping from spot to spot.  Had to laugh.  Of course she didn't think it was funny.

Well better get this posted or it will be time for tomorrow's blog.  Enjoy the sun and calm and God Bless.

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