Thursday, October 13, 2011


Good question.  Seems as if I had just finished my last IF ONLY I COULD TALK BOOK, and began teaching myself how to blog.  When I look back at the first couple of months, I really really don't know why anyone wanted to read them.  I guess I still really really don't know why. 

Unless I am trying share some "real" information with you, it is pretty much rambling on, here and there, up and down, sidewise and un-sidewise.  Perhaps I am really brilliant, or you are really bored.  Whatever.

Can't believe it is the middle of October.  Thanksgiving.  Christmas shopping.  Christmas.  New Years Eve.  Then ANOTHER year, I just don't feel that I am ageing as fast as the years are moving.

Fall colors are in full swing.  It is raining again.  That will bring the leaves down even faster.  Then the bareness of winter, unless there is snow to brighten it up.

Early fall, before the corn harvest.  It was a typical fall morning with the fog hanging over everything.  In just a few more days the corn would be harvested, the ground bare, waiting for the lime, then the plow, getting it ready for next spring's crop, whatever that may be - corn, alfalfa, hay, I guess I just have to wait and see.

This is late fall here on the farm.  Look at how the red virginia creeper is compared to the greens and golds of the trees.  It seems as if the world consists of a never-ending beauty contest, which season is the more beautiful. 

And, finally winter.  The snow was deep, clean and white, sparkling in the sun.  All of the seasons have their beauty, and just like life, some days when the beauty seems hidden.  But it is always there, just under the surface, and when you think it couldn't get any worse, you waken up one morning and see something like the above three scenes.  And you realize, this is God's world. 

So even on the drab dreary days, there is beauty somewhere, if you look for it.  It may take a few days to find the beauty but when you do, oh my!

Count your blessing and God Bless.

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