Sunday, January 22, 2012

BREAKING NEWS!!!JANUARY 22 2012.........

How many times have you been watching a TV show and had this flash on the screen, then the follow-up story?  Every local station wants to be FIRST with a story.  Never mind if it is accurate, just be FIRST.

This happened last night.  Suddenly BREAKING NEWS flashed on the screen followed up with the story that one of our local college football coaches (60 years of coaching) had passed away.  He had been ill for the last three or so months and had been re-admitted the hospital a week ago.

On another local channel at the beginning of the 11 o'clock news they reported said coach was in serious condition - but had NOT  passed away as the earlier breaking news indicated on the other channel.

Everyone has to be first.  Doesn't matter who or what is in the way, it is "me first".  Doesn't say a who lot for our society, does it.

I wonder how the station that broadcast the BREAKING NEWS is going to cover up their mistake?  What will be their story?  Will they even have a story?  Or will it be swept under the
rug along with so many other things that are swept under said rug?  Rug must be at least 20 feet off the floor by now.

I know I am finding out that more and more being first is the goal.  Doesn't matter if you are right, wrong, indifferent, whatever, you have to be first - first in line, first to be served, first to pass on the gossip, first, first, first.....

Whatever happened to consideration, compassion, manners, common sense, caring, doing the right thing, saying the right thing.  They all seem to have flown out the window.

That is not how I was raised.  That is not how I raised my children.

I was taught to say "thank you, you're welcome, please, yes sir, yes m'am, I'm sorry".  I was taught not to talk when someone else was talking, not to interrupt someone else's conversation, not to "but in" so to speak.

I was taught to help, had chores that I was responsible for, had to drag my little sister along with me when I went out to play.  That was a bummer, but she went along, and I still got to play.

I was taught to share, everything in the world did not revolve around "me".  I was taught to be polite, even when I wanted to scream.  I was taught to "be me".  I tried to pass this on to my children.  I must have done something right, because my children, and their families, are following the same rules of thumb that I have tried to follow for the last century or so.

We respected authority, our teachers in school, our parents, our friends.  We attended Sunday School and Church.  We were taught to help others, and not make fun of the ones that were different.

I remember when growing up we lived on the very edge of town, with fields and woods around us.  It was the era of the hobo - the homeless folks that rode the railroad cars.  They sometimes camped in the woods. Once in a while one would show up on our doorstep.  My Mother always made them a sandwich and something to drink.  I can remember seeing one or two sitting on our back steps, eating and drinking.  They always said THANK YOU before leaving.

How many folks today say "Thank You", I'm Sorry, Excuse Me?"

And the BREAKING NEWS on the TV, or in the newspaper, or on the radio, just brings home the message - it doesn't have to be right, it just has to be FIRST.

Have a good day.  My driveway is just icy enough I am not comfortable with leaving the house today.  It is steep.  I can get down mostly, like skiing.  But coming up is another matter.  So will not be going out today.  May call later and cancel tomorrow's photography class, as I don't want anyone coming up here to get hurt by falling on the ice.  Better to be safe than sorry. Folks living in town probably think I am a sissy or something, but our 3/10's of a mile twisting and turning and going straight up, is a real challenge in the winter.

So be careful, enjoy your day and God Bless.

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