Saturday, January 21, 2012

FOOTNOTE and ........JANUARY 21 2012.......

Just wanted to add a footnote to yesterday's blog.  We found no dragons at the castle, but did find gargoyles - several of them in fact.  Thought you would like to know.

Also, even though the gates were closed to the castle, there was, what we called a dungeon for lack of a better word, across the road and down a few steps.  Picture time!  Tammie and Bobbie were down there right now, exploring, taking pictures, laughing.  I followed and found Tammie in the dungeon, so got her picture.

Bobbie was down below on the street below, (good thing she wasn't down below on the street above) and decided to come up and have her picture taken in the dungeon also.  Just as she started up, here comes a police car, cruising very slowly, giving us the once over.

We were at the top on the upper road lickity-split (another one I learned from my parents), in the two vehicles and on our way.  We had planned to have lunch in Berkeley Springs, but as the Maryland state line was just a short distance decided to go there instead - out of Berkeley Springs police area.  Found a great restaurant in Hancock Maryland.

Bobbie and Tim have decided that traveling with me is an adventure, are planning our next trip together.  How many great-grandmothers do you know that get run off by the police?  And the grandkids love every minute of it.

As you can see, my life is never dull.  Boredom - what is that?  Laughter - all the time.  What more could anyone ask for.

Now, back to the real world.  Feeding the outdoor cats this morning was quite a hazardous adventure.  Snow, topped with ice topped with snow.  As I walked on the patio it felt as if you were breaking through ice on a body of water.

You took a step, crunch, crack, break, you foot hit the snow beneath the ice.  A really erie feeling.  Needless to say Jerry and I cancelled our appointment this morning to start looking at having custom made cabinets for our kitchen.

He informed me there was no way he was driving to 84 today.  I had to agree.  Figured if we got stuck, I would be the one pushing.  so agreeing was a no-brainer.

It is just a pure nasty, gray, cold, icy, yucky day out there and I will just stay in where it is warm and dry, and possibly continue reading a new book I just started.  Also complete some of the festival applications sitting on my desk that need to be taken care of. And deciding if I want to sign up for the 5 day bus trip to Macon Georgia in March.  By then I will probably be more than ready to go on a new adventure.  

So in closing, if you don't have to go out today, DON'T.  If you do, be careful, stay safe and God Bless.

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