Thursday, January 19, 2012

KIT'n'KABOODLE.....JANUARY 19 2012.....

No, I haven't lost it.  No, I am still sane.  How many of you out there have heard that expression?  How many of you know what it means?  It belongs in the "Older Than Dirt" category. 

My parents used to say "Kit'n'Kaboodle" when they meant - the whole 9 yards, everybody, everything, anytime it was more than one it was kit'n'kaboodle.   Don't know what just one was, maybe just "kit"?  Does that make two of us "kaboodle", "kaboodles"?

Now just how did I get onto this subject.  Darned if I know.  Was just sitting here looking at the computer and voila!  Kit'n'Kaboodle popped into my head.  Why - don't know.  Where-from - don't know.  Just did.  Would that be a senior moment, or a juvenile moment? Or just another symptom of "nuttier than a fruitcake"moment, and I don't know where that originated either. 

Just keep on hangin' 'round with me and you will get an education you won't find anywhere else, thank goodness. 

 If you could look into my head this is probably what you would see.  Only a nuttier-than-a-fruitcake person would end up with a photograph like this.  Now, complete "U" turn.

Am getting ready for my first photography class of the year.  Yes I teach photography.  In my spare time, whatever that is.  I have been told my classes are fun, and that is what it is all about.

My classes run 2 days, approximately 7-10 days apart.  I don't teach technical.  The camera knows technical.  I teach how to tell the camera what to do to get that one special shot.  (My camera's brain was probably spinning with the above picture).

The first part of the day is discussion and answering questions.  The second part of that day is photo-shooting, usually involving outside, inside, and portrait work.  Sounds hard.  Not so.  I try to teach little tricks that enable the students to get better pictures.

At the completion of the shoot I take the memory cards home with me.  For the next week I copy the pics to my computer, create a CD for each student, and then edit the pictures.

The second day of class everyone comes to my home and we do one CD at a time, showing the pictures, just as they took them, then going on to the same pictures after editing.  I think we laugh more than anything. 

I don't advertise that I do classes - it comes from word of mouth - because I have very little free time.  To conduct a class I need at least 4 and no more than 10. 

And so first thing Monday morning I expect between 4-6 gung-ho students, ready for the experience of a life time.  Little do they know what they are getting in to.  

Yes, I do charge.  No I do not charge a lot.  Just enough to cover costs, and not enough to discourage want-to-be students.

As with all my photography and writing, I do it because I love it, I do not do it to make a living.  I want everything I do to be affordable to the common ordinary person, just like me.  That s pretty scary isn't it?  I wonder when the last time was that I was considered ordinary.  I can't remember back that far.

So will sign off for now, and start my pre-class prep.  Enjoy your day, try to stay warm, and God Bless.

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