Saturday, January 7, 2012

ODDS and ENDS DAY.....JANUARY 07 2012......

And tomorrow will be do or die day - Steelers play.

Finishing up some loose ends today, business-wise, travel-wise, personal-wise and trying to pretend I don't hear two beagle dogs carrying on.

The boss and his buddies are out hunting this morning, have been since daylight.  Muzzle loader deer season still in, squirrel season is in, and the rabbit dogs seem to think that rabbit season should be in also.  Since daylight they have been running from one end of the house to the other, whining, fussing, barking, howling, whining, fussing, - you get the drill. 

They love to hunt and for them rabbit season s always in.  But they have to wait.  Winter season will be starting soon, they will go out and run and bark, ears flopping, tails held high, chasing the bunnies.  They will come in heads hanging, tongues lolling, tails dragging, barely putting one foot (4 feet?) in front of the other.  They will sleep for 2 days, then want to start all over again.

The guys are just as bad, tramping in the heat, cold, wet, dry, snow, ice, rain, starting out full of vim and vigor, coming in subdued and tired.  At least they don't sleep for 2 days.

Son Michael hasn't gotten  a lot of hunting in this fall and so far this winter as he is working every spare moment on the house he is building.  The frame work is completed, insulation in, dry wall going up.  The outside will have log siding instead of normal siding - will be a log  house, and I guess the logs are in.  He and Ethan will be picking them up in the near future.  He and Tammie have been living in a small single-wide trailer and are really looking forward to having a house. We have told him he had better have one huge house-warming party. And I AM NOT going to be chief cook and bottle washer.  

Well, enough of my rambling for today.  Don't know for sure who is going to be here tomorrow for the game, as when the playoffs start we usually have several here. 

And, so, enjoy your day - the sun is shining again, and God Bless.


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