Friday, January 13, 2012

13 2012......

And what a day it is starting out to be.  As of right now it is 16 degrees, wind blowing like crazy, snow blowing like crazy, cold as the devil, which has to be pretty cold.  Just a plain nasty day.

When I went out to feed the cats I thought they, and I, were going to blow away.  Luckily I have a shelter on the patio just for the cats to get in out of the weather when they are eating.  Doesn't keep them from getting cold, but keeps them from blowing away.

Even Coco, who is my big fuzzy bear of a dog and loves being outside, doesn't want to stay out today.  Can't say as I blame him.  I don't want to stay out either.

Guess Jerry will have to get the paper and mail later today, I'm not even going to do that.  And, no, I don't walk to the mailbox, I drive.  Right.

If I walked it would be all down-hill, which is not bad, unless it is hot, cold, windy, icy, rainy, snowy, etc. etc.  Coming back up is another story in itself.  Won't go into that today.  Just going to stay in, and let Jerry do whatever.

Needless to say our paper and mail boxes are not just at the end of the walk from the house to the street, it is almost 1/2 a mile from the house to the boxes.  And you haven't even reached the street yet.  Or Road.  Or whatever.

Am I complaining?  NO!!  I love it up here, but like everything else there are down-sides, and getting the mail is one of the down-sides.  All the good stuff far outweighs the bad stuff. 

And so I can sit here in my nice warm house, and watch the wind go by, and the snow go by, what a wonderful world.

I will be off-line until Monday (hopefully, if we are not snowed in, in the mountains of West Virginia) as we leave first thing tomorrow morning to go to Kearneysville and visit the kids.

Jerry gets the privilege of feeding my cats while I am gone.  He grumbles.  He complains.  He calls them stupid cats.  He tells them to run away from home.  But he has never failed to see that they have food and water.  Guess he is all hot air.  Don't tell him I said that.

And so, hopefully it will be safe fun-filled weekend, we will arrive home safely on Sunday, and, if I am lucky, will have a few new pictures.

Stay warm, stay safe, and God Bless.

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