Saturday, September 24, 2011


Fall officially arrived yesterday.  Today the fog is soooo thick you could cut it with a knife, as my Mother always said.  I have to agree.  Also, the furry animals are deer, in my front yard, I can see them from the window in my "computer office".  Well, that is my blog for today!

The Blue Ridge Parkway in the fog
 Just kidding.

But, seriously, I don't have too much to say, one of those days.

The fog makes me glad that I only have one more outdoor festival this year - that is Oglebayfest at Oglebay Park in Wheeling two weeks from now, October 6-8-9.  At least they put up big tents so I don't have to fool with my tent again until June.  Yess!!!!!!!

Oglebayfest has always been one of my favorite festivals.  I am in the Artist's Market behind the mansion house in the woods.  There are various activities throughout the park that weekend, a Country Fair, a German fest (consisting of German food, beer, entertainment, dancing, etc.) All sorts of foods and beverages, the zoo, fireworks Saturday night, and a shuttle bus running throughout the park to shuttle you from one area to another.  The park is always packed.  Sometimes it is so crowded you can't walk without fighting your way through the crowds.  Makes it tough to hit the restrooms.  Better give yourself a lot of extra time.

Then the last two weekends of October are the Fall Christmas Festival at the Washington County Pa. fairgrounds, inside their buildings.  The last is the Christmas Festival the second weekend of November at the Ruby Center in Mylan Park, Morgantown West Virginia - which is great because I get to spend the weekend with my friend Peggy, who lives close. 

Then starting in December the applications begin arriving for completing for whatever festivals you are considering doing the next year.  Along with the applications you have to send a CD depicting what you will be showing and selling the next year, then keeping your fingers crossed that you get juried in.  Just because you have done the festivals before is no guarantee that you will be accepted.  It all depends on the jurors they have each year (they rotate them) and whether or not they like your work.

Again, like everything else, it is a waiting game.

So better get finished her and get busy.  If you are out in the fog, drive carefully, it can be pretty iffy at times.  Stay safe and God Bless.

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