Wednesday, September 21, 2011

THE WAITING GAME - AGAIN.....SEPTEMBER 21 2011..........

Why is everything hurry up and wait?  I spend more time hurrying up and waiting than I do doing something.

Talked to my credit card rep yesterday, she will get back to me about upgrading my credit card capability to wireless.  Told son Jerry what was happening last night - he just looked at me sober faced and told me it would probably cost me about $50.00 per month to upgrade.

What!!! Where did he come up with that figure.  So, with the same sober face he mentioned that now that I have wireless telephone - and am saving a little more than $50.00 per month on my bill, that is what wireless credit card capability will cost me.

Makes perfect sense.  Seems like for every step forward I take I slide back at least two.  Why should this be any different.

I did have someone ask me last - "how do you approach a neighbor and ask to use their telephone?"  My answer - "very carefully!"

Now onward and upward.  Morning Women's Bible Study begins today at my Church.  We have this from September through May, then put it on hold for the summer, and can't resume until after the great West Alexander World's Fair.

My potatoes are ready to dig.  Still have 3 flower beds to work on.  Have finished printing new pictures for the remaining 4 weekends of festivals.  They need matted and/or framed.  So far Jerry is taking care of the mowing of the yard. Since he got his new mower (thanks to me), he is keeping me off of it.  I can't imagine why.

And it just keeps raining - off and on - just enough to keep it way too wet to dry digging potatoes.  Once the potatoes are dug and the corn is finished, will be time to clean off the garden for winter.  Jerry would like to get it worked up this fall and put fertilizer and lime on the ground.  Does that mean I will have to plant a garden again next spring?

As long as he can keep the rows tilled up during the summer I can handle a garden.  If everything needs hoed - forget it.  That is for young people.  Like Jerry.  Ha Ha Ha - his hands don't fit a hoe.

I guess I had better close out for now.  The above is a picture I took in the Chesapeake Bay area on one of Tom and my journeys.  What a beautiful area.

Have a great day and God Bless.

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