Tuesday, September 27, 2011


First - about potatoes.  I got lucky.  Yesterday afternoon the garden had dried out enough for me to get another row of potatoes dug.  Filled another three buckets.  Only one row left to go, but will not be doing it today as we got over three quarters of an inch of rain last night into this morning.  It will be a mud hole.  I guess i get to do other stuff today.

Like mat pictures, clean the house, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, feed the cats, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, fix lunch, let the dogs out, let the dogs in.  No napping for me.  I haven't figured out why the dogs can be by themselves ALL DAY when no one is here, but HAVE TO GO every five minutes when I am home.  Guess they know what buttons to push.

Second - about books.  I sold my last IF ONLY I COULD TALK book at the Covered Bridge Festival.  I have four more major festivals coming up between now the the second weekend in November.  Panic button!  Placed an order with - who else - Double Edge Press.  Was notified that shipment was made yesterday.  Yea!  I'll have a new supply of books to show and, hopefully, sell along with my pictures next weekend (October 7-8-9) at Oglebayfest, one of the fantastic festivals held annually at Oglebay Park in Wheeling.

I am also beginning my list of folks that want to be notified when my third, and last, volume of the TALK books is released, hopefully in time for Christmas.  That was the main reason I started blogging, I love writing, especially non-sense, and upon finishing my books, blogging gave me an outlet for "spouting off", as my Mother would have put it.

Third - about knowledge.  Just exactly what is knowledge.  The dictionary informs you that knowledge is:  acquainted with facts, having ability to know facts and information.

Another area is knowledgeable.  Just exactly what is knowledgeable.  Again the dictionary informs you that knowledgeable is: the state of being intelligent.

But the description of having knowledge is one I received today, and I just had to share it with you.

Finally!  At long last!  Now I know why I am what I am.  I just have sooo much information rolling around in my head that is overflowing. 

So there you have it.  Potatoes, Books, and Knowledge.  I am sure you have really really been wanting me to write on the above three subjects, so today you should be really really happy.

Enjoy and God Bless.

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