Friday, February 3, 2012


That is what I am beginning to feel like - a puppet, with my strings being pulled by the government. 

The government tells us where to go, when we can go, what we can do, what we can't do, even in our own homes, in our yards, in our place of employment, just about everywhere.

Their latest no-no - SUGAR.  We are a hundred bejillion dollars in debt, but they think it is vitally important to do a study so as to inform us poor ignorant underlings that sugar is hazardous to our health.

We have all grown up using sugar, and salt, and butter and eggs and bacon, and I could go on and on. Folks wonder why the food we are eating today doesn't taste as good as when they were younger (I am referring to us old dudes).  The reason - they have taken salt out of everything.  Salt is a seasoning.  I use salt.  I have always used salt.  I am still navigating.  My health is still good. My mind - well that is debatable.

That is just one item.  Then there were the eggs - really really bad for our health.  Musn't eat anything that is bad for our health.  Shame on us.  Then a couple of years later we learn that we all need to eat eggs - the protein or some such thing.  

I could go on and on.  Why not spend all that "study" money on feeding and housing the under-privileged, first in our own country, then  other areas.  

But, no, can't do that.  That would make sense. You might ask "why?"  Instead of giving a direct answer you are informed that a "study" has proven it is bad for you.  

They talk about obesity, especially in kids.  It is not the fault of the food they eat.  It is the fault of the government pulling the strings. They are not allowed to do anything, then wonder why they don't get any exercise.  Can't do this, might get hurt.  Can't do that, may cut your finger.  Stay away from that, you might fall and skin your knee. Wash your hands 100 times a day, there might be a germ.  There again I could go on and on. I'm not against hand washing or any other sanitization  that is recommended, but every time you turn around?

It is not the food we eat.  Yes, I'll admit, a lot of folks over-do it, that has happened throughout all of history.  No matter what rules they make, there will always be some that find their way around it.

We are no longer "The Land of the Free", we are "The Land of the Puppets".  I know that I am glad I probably won't be around in 50 or so years.  (If I am I will be really really really old).

We will all be living in bubbles.  Don't know what we are supposed to do when the bubble bursts.  Guess the government will have to do a "study".

Have a great day - if I haven't ruined it for you, and God Bless.


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