Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WELL!!! ...... FEBRUARY 02 2012...........

The first thing I saw when I logged on to Facebook this morning was -- THE 16 TYPES OF PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK -- from a friend? 

I haven't quite digested this yet - good or bad, up-lifting or down-putting - making me smile or making me wonder?  Let's see what you think.

1.  I don't think I am a "lurker", I do reply, once in a while.  Does that make me a non-lurker?

2. The Hyena, doesn't really say anything.  Nope not me, I say way too much. 

3. Ms. Popular with a bejillion friends.  Nope, not me again, I have a reasonable amount of friends, maybe just a-jillion rather than a be-jillion.

4. The Gamer - I can honestly say I do not participate in the facebook games.  Not because I don't think they would be fun, I just don't have time.

5. The Prophet.  I have to agree to that one, not so much in facebook but in blogs.

6. The Thief - no I don't steel status up-dates.  I don't have a "status" and don't want one.

7. the Cynic - not me. Cynics hate life.  I love life.  Especially my life.  I couldn't ask for anything more.

8. the Collector - Never posts but joins every group.  Not me.  I post, but don't join - there again no time.

9.  The Promoter - sends out invites after invites.  I am not an inviter, but love being an invitee.

10.  The Liker.  Never says anything but clicks on every "like" that appears.  I like a lot, don't always click.  My clicker doesn't always work.

11. The Hater - they think everyone hates them.  I have never thought about it.  If someone hates me, it is their loss, not mine.

12. The anti-proof reader who desperately needs spell-check.  My problem is that spell-check does not know any of the words that I use.

13. The Drama Queen - I don't just do drama, I think I invented it.  You have to be a drama queen to visit the rabbit hole as many times as I have, and also the Land of OZ.

14. the Womp-Womp (who ever heard of that), someone who tries to be funny but doesn't succeed.  I am not going to touch that one with a ten foot pole.

15. the News - always shares EVERYTHING.  I share a lot. But you really really really don't want to know EVERYTHING.

16.  The Rooster - someone who has to tell Facebook Good Morning every morning.  I don't think I have said "good morning" on Facebook yet, and since I am a chick, not a rooster, it is irrelevent anyway.

And to my friend who sent me this list of stuff, I have to say "thank you".  It was the only thing I could think of to blog about today.  How about that?

To me, this is the type of friend everyone should have.  Love life.  Enjoy whatever you are doing.  Look forward not backward.  Plan ahead, maybe your plans will change, maybe not, but always have a plan, a reason to get up in the morning.  So with the above 16 plus things in mind, have a great day and God bless.

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