Saturday, February 18, 2012

PHIPPS and CHIHULY...FEBRUARY 18 2012.....

What does Phipps (the conservatory in Pittsburgh) and Chihuly (hand blown glass) have in common?  Quite a bit.  And you are going to learn about it today, unless you decide to skip my blog.  Then you won't know what you re missing.

Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh is a great place to go with their exhibits of various flowers and trees and shrubbery, and stuff.  The exhibit changes every so many months, and/or weeks.  They even have fish.

Chihuly Glass is hand-blown glass, the creations designed by Dale Chihuly, created by Dale and his staff of highly trained, skilled glass blowers.

A few years back Phipps hosted a Chihuly display.  It was even held over several weeks beyond its original length of time because of the popularity.

Son Andy, daughter-in-law Lauri and granddaughter Jenn were home that year for Thanksgiving.  They live in Maine.  We made reservations and visited the conservatory the Friday after Thanksgiving.  It was the perfect time as it was not crowded because everyone else was Black Friday shopping.  It was great.  Didn't get a pic of Andy though, he was off taking his own pictures.

It is unbelievable the shapes and sizes and designs and colors, and how beautifully the glass blended in with everything else.

Chihuly glass is found world-wide, and once you have seen one of his exhibits you will recognize his glass anywhere you go. 

I have seen his exhibits also in Columbus Ohio at the Franklin Park Conservatory, and in Phoenix Arizona at the botanical gardens.

The pictures I am sharing today are from Pittsburgh.  I have also been notified that an entirely new Chihuly Glass exhibit is scheduled to return to Columbus in 2013.  I hope to get there to see it.

I hope you have enjoyed the above pictures, perhaps you will get to one of his exhibits.  It is something you will not forget.  It also makes you aware of how very much talent there is, in so many different fields, things you never dreamed of.  Just when you think you have seen everything, something else comes along.  It is a never-ending experience.

Have a good day and God Bless.

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