Sunday, February 26, 2012

DARN - I'M STILL HERE...FEBRUARY 26 2012......

Just running late - again!  How can you get up in the morning with nothing really on your mind except to get ready for Church, and  get involved in so much there is no time for the blog.

This was one of those mornings.  Nothing important - except for maybe making pancakes for Bossman.  Otherwise - nothing.  At least on my agenda. 

Did have to look up some stuff for Bossman on the computer as he killed his this past week.  Yes.  Literally.  Killed the poor computer.  Not on purpose, just one of those stupid accidents.  But the poor computer is dead, like deader than a doornail.

We have been looking at computers on line - guess what - on MY computer yet.  I am standing by, hovering, hoping he doesn't kill my computer also.  But he has been good.  Computer still working, but didn't get to blog this morning.

He found a computer on line and just returned with a new one.  Some brand I never heard of before, but he is supposed to know what he is doing (even tho he killed a poor helpless computer) so I am assuming this new computer will be o.k.

The set-up is now beginning.  I think I will stay somewhere else in the house, just in case.  You never know.  Better to be safe than sorry.

If nothing really weird happens it looks as if February will go off quietly into the sunset.  As of right now Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are free.  

March is another story.  Will get into that later. 

Am going to share a couple more Mail Pouch pictures with you here.  It is so much fun going on a photo shoot and finding a new old barn to photograph.  

Hope you enjoy seeing these - which are just a few of the hundreds  I have photographed since 1980.  And I know there are still hundreds more I have not seen, that are still around in one shape or another.  It is just a matter of having the time and knowing where to look.

One word of warning, if Bossman happens to come and visit, lock away your computer.  You just never know.

Enjoy the sunshine and God Bless.  

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