Saturday, May 28, 2011

ODDS and ENDS.....................................................

There is really nothing earth-shattering today, maybe a couple of brain-teasers, but mostly just routine stuff.

First of all, Grandson Coleman (Rebecca's No. 3 son) went to the Prom this year.  He is the first of her three to do so.  The older two just weren't all that interested.  Then came the fun, asking the girl, hoping she will say yes, she did, ordering the tux, ordering the corsage and boutonniere.  Which, of course, Rebecca had to do, all except for asking the girl.

Several parents went together and rented a limousine for the evening, and on the big night they all met at this one friend's house for pictures, and an evening out in style.

This is Coleman and his date.  I cannot believe all that is involved in going to the prom now.  When I was in school, about 100 years ago, you had your date, had your corsage, and of course your gown, the guys usually just wore suits, you went, you danced, you partied, and you came home.  Not anymore.

The morning of the prom all the young people had to go to the school to practice the "Grand March"  Then all the prom kids had to be at the school by a certain time in the evening for the "Grand March", with parents and families all there to watch.  By the time the prom actually started, they were worn out and ready to come home. 

This is the five couples that went together.  What a beautiful rainbow of dresses. 

Enjoy themselves they did, and all arrived home safely.  It is such a relief to not have to worry about drunk drivers, young drivers, and tired drivers. 

Secondly, yesterday I got all the major pre-prep done of the food for our Sunday Memorial Day cookout.  Will finish up that sort of thing today, so on the actual party day, I can actually party. 

Thirdly, yesterday I learned three new pieces of trivia, or stuff, or something strange, whatever you want to call it.  This from son Jerry.

First of all he tells me - "You have to try this"!  What is "this" I wonder.  He said to take my age this year either already there or will be there, and add the last 2 numbers of my birth year to it, what would I get.  Answer 111.

It just so happens there is something about 2011 that every single person, born through 1999 will arrive at 111 using the above formula.  Let's take Jerry - He was born in 1960 and is 51 (actually 51 yesterday)  You add 60 and 51 and what do you get?  111.  How about Rebecca.  She was born in 1965 and will be 46 in June.  What do you get?  111.  Me, I'm not telling either my age or the year I was born. 

Another piece of very important information Jerry proceeded to tell me. 

Once every 823 years you will find the month of July has 5 full weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday.)  It will only happen if the first day of the month falls on Friday, and the month has 31 days.  July of 2011 has 5 full weekends.

Now, if you don't have anything else to do, just sit down and start making calendars for the next 823 years, and see if this is correct.

Thirdly, we are still sort of old fashioned here in our rural community.  On Memorial Day we try to have flowers planted on the graves of who have moved on.  As of today, the flowers are still sitting here, it is either raining, or Jerry is not available.  We are fast running out of time.  We may have to go in the middle of the night, whenever we have a night it doesn't rain,and plant by flashlight.  Then we will probably be reported to the police as grave robbers.

This entire year to day has been unpredictable, unprecedented, and unreal.
And we still have 7 months to go.

Another piece of trivia - 2011 had one month that will have 1-11-11 (January 11) and will have 11-11-11 (November 11).

And just about when I thought nothing else could happen, it was going on 8 p.m. the phone rang.  The conversation went something like this.

Good evening, this is your Sears representative calling about your range.

Me - My range - it is my refrigerator that doesn't work!  What do I have to do to get through to your people?  Silence. Then this reply.

I am sorry about your refrigerator but am really calling about your range.

Me - What's wrong with my range?

We just wanted to let you know your warranty was expiring and would you like to buy an extended warranty.

After laughing hysterically, I proceeded to tell her no, never, would never buy another product from Sears, etc. etc., and the merry-go-round I have been on for going on 6 weeks. 

She replied in the positive, told me she had never heard of such a run-around, she saw on my records about the scheduled, cancelled, appointments, and that I was waiting for another repairman to come.  She also indicated that this was not acceptable, she was writing a report and sending it to one of the corporate honchos, and that I would receive a phone call from them within 48 hour.

I wonder if they work on weekends and holidays, because Saturday and Sunday and Monday fall into that category.

She also indicated that the refrigerator should have been replaced before this.

I had a pretty full plate yesterday.  Today the sun is shining, hopefully by afternoon the grass will be dry enough to mow.  This morning will complete food prep for tomorrow, clean the house, and, this evening hopefully, get to the cemetery to plant our flowers.  My husband was a WW II veteran, and he deserves to be remembered in this fashion.  Perhaps Mother Nature will be considerate today.

I may, or may not, get around to blogging the next couple of days.  Only time will tell.  However, if I do hear something from Sears, I will definitely take the time to jot it down for you.  Remember, boycott Sears, have a wonderful safe Memorial Day weekend, and God Bless.

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