Wednesday, May 4, 2011

WHY IS IT......................................................................

Why is it - when you are retired and have lots of time on your hands, you become so busy you wonder how you had time to go to work?

Why is it - when you are retired and on a fixed income, you have a budget, but there is always an emergency that wipes out the budget?

Why is it - when you get up in the morning you know exactly what you are going to do and it is the only thing that doesn't get done?

Why is it when you plan a cook-out, it either rains, blows, gets cold, or all three?

Why is it when you run a quick errand, you get a flat tire?

Why is it when you go to make a phone call and the phone is dead?

Why is it when you have something important to do, the power goes off, and you can't open your garage door (electric door opener)?

Why is it when there is something really special you have planned on doing, and you get sick?

And lastly - Why is it when this coming Sunday is Mother's day, there are special church services planned, Mother's Day dinners planned, family get-to-gathers planned, that the electric company is shutting off the electric to our entire (and I do mean ENTIRE) area for the entire day?

If you have an answer to any or all these questions, please share.

West Alexander, Claysville, and all the surrounding townships, have been notified that on Sunday morning 8 a.m. power will be shut down for the entire day - major overhauling to be done.

All church services in the area have been cancelled.  The American Legions in the area have cancelled their Mother's Day Dinners.  Unless you move your car outside the night before, you can't even go to a friends house, or a restaurant for your dinner.

Our pastor, this past Sunday, had a long list of things to do that he shared with us before services began. 

If you have cordless phones make sure you have at least one land-line or a fully charged cell phone.

Unplug all major appliances and electronic equipment so there will be no damage if there is a power surge.  (One member of my church asked "What if I WANT a new TV?)  Answer "Leave your old one plugged in and see what happens".

If there is anyone you know that is not in Church today, please call them to let them know that Church is cancelled on Mother's Day.

Be sure you have a vehicle outside, not in a garage with electric door opener.

If you have electrical medical equipment - oxygen, etc., be sure you are prepared.

And the list went on and on.

Now, back to the real world of WHY IS ITS.

Why is it, that the minute you sit down, the dogs want out?  Not need out, want out, but you don't know for sure if it is want or need.

Why is it when you have a house full of folks, the water dispenser on the refrigerator quits working?

Why is it when you have a sunny day instead of rain and want to mow the tractor has a flat tire?  The tractor and the car must have had a conference.

Why is it when you are completely engrossed in your favorite TV show, that is when the phone rings the most?  It was quiet all day.

Why is it when you go to bed at night your feel great, tired but great, and get up in the morning feeling lousy?

Why is it the minute you forget to save what you are working on, on the computer, the electric blinks and you lose it all?

Why is it that we have so many "Why Is It's"

Now that I have blown your mind, try to have a day minus the Why Is It's and God Bless.

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