Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I ask myself this every year.  Looking back at some of the pictures I took last winter, there were deer everywhere.  No matter when I looked out I would see deer somewhere.  Big ones, smaller ones.  Does. Bucks.
This is just a few of what we see every day.  Except for hunting season.

Then comes the two week hunting season.  So far this week, and part of last week, there has been nothing sighted that were legal to shoot. 

It is as if they have all fallen off the face of the earth.  Maybe the world really is flat, we just don't realize it.  But they disappear.  Literally.  Gone,  Nada. 

Hunting season will end on this coming Saturday.  The month of December will wind down, a new year will be here.  2012.  How did that happen. 

And looking back at the winter of 2010, what was known as snowmagedden, with all the snow, and snow on top of snow.  Then the winter of 2011.  We had snow, but nothing like 2010.  Makes me wonder what the winter of 2012 will be. 

But the main reason I am mentioning this, is that once hunting season is over, you get up one morning and there are deer everywhere.  On the hills, in the valleys, in the front yard, back yard, corn field, woods, sometimes even looking in the windows. 
These three were in the back yard.  The next picture is in the front yard, the deer had just turned around from looking in my computer room window at me.

Where did they come from?  Better still, where did they go? 

And so this week will pass, the invisible deer are still here, we just can't see them. 

The hunters are beginning to wear down, the constant tramping, standing, cold, rain, etc.  Each day they are a little less enthusiastic.  I am sure that out there somewhere they are being laughed at.  Don't tell me deer can't laugh, how do you know they can't laugh?  Have I ever seen them laugh?  No.  But I have heard them.

The guys tell me it is just snorting.  What do they know.  I have been outside, and have heard them, just inside the woods when I am working in the garden or flower beds.  It IS NOT snorting.  They are laughing.  They are laughing at me.  I guess I am a sight to behold when I am out working.  I wouldn't know, I can't see myself, but they are just standing and looking, I can see them, and they are laughing.

Just a few more days guys.  Then you can relax and do whatever it is that deer do.  And I will take your pictures, and give you something to laugh at.

Have a great day and God Bless.

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