Wednesday, December 21, 2011


...And no I did not sleep in.  Made an early morning run to Staples so I could UPS my last two Christmas packages, hopefully they will have the packages by Saturday.  At least that was the game plan.

Have just a few things left to wrap, then, supposedly, will be ready.  Who knows.  Things come up.  Things get mis-laid.  If not mis-laid, lost. 

Another gray rainy day.  Predicting about an inch of rain, again.  I don't think the mud will ever dry out.

Even though the outdoor dog kennel has grass, the dogs always manage to find a spot that is just mud.  Want in. Open door.  Muddy feet.  Grab rag and wipe feet, which is not easy as they are not the foot-wiping type of dogs.  They love the mud.  Mop the floor.  Dogs want out.  Start all over again.

At least my barn kitties stay outside. They are knocking on my door first thing in the morning wanting their breakfast.  After eating they go about their kitty business, whatever that is.  During the day they come and go, sometimes just laying on the deck, or the patio, sometimes looking in at the dogs, thumbing their noses at them because they know the dogs can't get them.

Don't you all wish you had the exciting life I lead?  Wow!  You probably couldn't stand it!

The weather people are telling us that we just might have a white Christmas.  Of course they tell us that every year, even when the forecast is for warm and sunny.  But sometimes they get it right.  Not often, but sometimes.

I remember, years ago, the forecast on the evening news was for snow flurries.  The next day on the evening news, the weather man looked sort of sheepish, and informed us that he had received a phone call that morning from a disgruntled news watcher that he expected the weather man to come shovel out the snow flurries in his driveway, which were about a foot deep.  Glad he didn't forecast a blizzard.

Well, enough rambling and grumbling.  Going to share a couple more pictures from ICE, then sign off.

As you have probably figured out, that year's theme was WHOOVILLE and the GRINCH.

Stay dry, and warm, 4 days 'till Christmas.  God Bless.

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