Monday, December 12, 2011

SURPRISE!!!...DECEMBER 12 2011................

Earlier this year, sometime in October, we got the following pictures on our outdoor cameras.

Every so many weeks Jerry makes the rounds, getting the memory cards from the cameras and bringing them in to download.  You never know what you are going to get. 

I wanted to share these two with you.  What are the chances?..........

We had gotten pictures of probably 15 or so bucks this past summer and fall.  Jerry named each one, depending on coloring, number of points, and other stuff only he knows.  This guy he named "Wide Guy" because of the spread of the antlers.

We try to manage our deer herd, so he likes to keep records of known bucks, so as deer season progresses he can "manage" the number of bucks taken.  As far as we know Wide Guy survived the season, at least on our farm. 

This next picture, -  is priceless.  

Look closely.  On the left, just in the brush, is Wide Guy.  In the middle, and on the right are two doe.  It looks for all the world as if the doe were planning on jumping out and yelling "SURPRISE".  Don't tell me animals don't play.

Too bad I have completed my 3 volume set of books.  If not, I am sure there would be a story to be told, whether told by the Buck or the Doe, it would be pretty interesting. 

Now, have to get two packages shipped today.  Running out of time.  Cookies to bake.  Stuff to do.  Blog will probably be late tomorrow as I have an early morning appointment at the vets for Sam. The hardest part will be getting Sam out of here without Coco.  They have been joined at the hip, so to speak, since they were tiny little puppies.  We thought they would outgrow the "togetherness", but that was a joke.  So no telling what will happen tomorrow.  Usually just for their annual check-ups and shots I take them together, which is a trip in itself, as they both want to go different directions at the same time.  

For now it is time to sign off, enjoy your day and God Bless. 

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