Saturday, September 15, 2012


My day started out perfectly normal - well as normal as any of my days could be.  I was, of course down, because I was not at Mingo Park for the covered bridge festival.

I was also up, as bossman and I finished hanging our pictures back up on the wall.  It now looks as if someone actually lives here.

He also told me that "You can post pictures of the remodeling, BUT NOT UNTIL IT IS ALL FINISHED!!!"

Now you all know what he said and can back me up down the road, if I need backing up.

But to get back to the mind thing.

I went to the Highlands to grocery shop, plus a few other things.  I noticed along the way that the raccoon that had been hit and killed a couple of days ago was - completely gone.  Not a trace.  Nothing.  Nada.

And so, in my upside-down, convoluted, manner of thinking - I got to thinking.

Mother Nature.  Nature takes care of her earth.  Nothing ever goes to waste.  I call the birds and animals that take care of the road kill the "clean up crew".  In, sometimes just a matter of hours, all traces of said "accident" are gone.  Clean as a whistle. 

And then there are the humans - who are supposed to be in charge of taking care of our land.  What do they do?  They just throw any old thing out any old place, and pretty soon the roadways look like junk yards. 

We have groups, sponsored by the Churches, business organizations, scouts, etc., who will periodically clean up a certain stretch of our roadways.  Bags and bags of trash.  It is disgusting how many bags of trash can be piled waiting for pick-up.

If every single person would quit being so lazy and dispose of their trash in the proper way at the proper place - you all have trash cans at home - just imagine how much nicer our landscape would look.

Well, so much for my soap-box speech today.  I am sure that you are hoping I either find something nicer to talk about, or keep my mouth shut.  And since I am not real good at keeping my mouth shut, just maybe......

Enjoy this beautiful day and God Bless. 

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