Thursday, September 13, 2012


Life is fragile.  As you get older, and wiser, you realize just how fragile.  What you took for granted so many years you no longer take for granted.  Kind of a convoluted sentence, isn't it?

When you are young you see the senior (not old) citizens, but you really don't see them. That is because you are never going to get old, so you just over-look them.

Down the road your parents are suddenly old.  At that point in your life you begin to - way in the back of your mind - think about aging, but again, that is way way way down the road.

You breeze through the days, doing whatever it is you do, watch your children grow up, the grand-kids grow up, and suddenly out of no-where you have become, not just a grandparent but a great-grandparent.  How did this happen?

Little things start to go wrong.  Then bigger things.  Suddenly you are made aware that you are facing   -- old age.  That way off down the road thing that you were never going to be - old.  All at once you are one of the senior citizens you noticed about a hundred years ago and wrote off as you were never going to be one.

How little we realize what life is all about. 

I am blessed that I can still function and do most of what I had planned on doing.  I don't know for how much longer, and I am not going to worry  about it.  Tomorrow will take care of it-self.  Yesterday is gone .. no looking back.  Today is now.  Make the most of every moment, don't complain, don't say "if only" just seize the moment and enjoy.

God Bless and live each day to the fullest.

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