Monday, April 9, 2012

GOOD MORNING....APRIL 09 2012.....

And a beautiful morning it is!  Mostly sun.  Possibly some rain, but it is spring.

I hope everyone had as good an Easter as I and my family and friends had.  It was a picture-perfect day, a great Church service, with two beautiful solo's by one of our choir members.

Then off for home, and upon arriving had 4 or 5 guys gabbing in the living room - the earliest arrivers.  Because most of the food prep had been done before, and the hams went in the oven before Church, only had to put scalloped potatoes in oven, and dinner would be ready.

One good friend lives in Pittsburgh, and we usually eat a little later so she can attend her Church, and then drive to our place.  Works out perfectly.

We had 16..and what a great group it is.  We talked, and ate, and laughed, and ate, talked some more.  You know the drill.

And so much food! 

Ham, scalloped potatoes, candied yams, potato salad, 5 bean salad, Pistachio Pudding salad, deviled eggs, (mine were plain, my daughters were made in the shape of little bunnies) She is more creative than I am.  We had pie, cake, cookies, cheese cake, I'm not really sure what all. 

I do know, though, we had very little in the way of left-overs.  It was a good day. 

Now it is back to the real world.  Have a couple of ham bones I will cook later today for broth, then will make a big pot of ham and bean soup.  Part of the broth will be used tonight for noodles for bossman.  He likes noodles.

Only have 3 of the smaller flower beds to clean off.  My creeping phlox is in full bloom, had many comments yesterday on how nice the flower bed looked.  Will look a lot better when it gets its fresh coat of mulch.

Three rows of potatoes are planted.  The remainder of the garden will be planted (corn, green beans, tomatoes) around Memorial Day.  There will probably be a few other odds and ends in the garden, but I plant mostly what we will eat.  Too much of the garden stuff only I like, so not worth-while planting it. 

There is always someone with a surplus of something I like, so treat myself.  Not that I deserve to be treated, but like to think so.

Now - change of pace.  Yep.  Again.

Found a neat web-site called Shutterfly.  You can create an account, create a password, then you can upload pictures and have them made into a book. 

I decided to give it a try.  I found you have your choice of book size (5 x 7 up to 8 x 10).  I chose the 5 x 7 (it was the least expensive, although their prices are very reasonable) uploaded about 60 pictures I have taken, and within 10 days had the finished book in my hands.

It looks great.  The pictures I chose were of the Pennsylvania Mail Pouch Barns that I have photographed.  Shutterfly arranges the pics and places them on each page, everyone yesterday thought it looked great.

Guess one of my next projects will be to have other books made of pictures I have taken.  That, hopefully, will keep me out of trouble for a while. Hopefully.

Guess I had better close for now and get busy.  I hope you had as good a weekend as I did, that your day was joyful, as it should have been, and God Bless.

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