Tuesday, April 24, 2012

RUNNING LATE....APRIL 24 2012.......

Again.  As usual.  But not being lazy, not by a long shot.  Being busy..

Did check my e-mails and replied to the important ones.  Then it was off to the orthopedic surgeon for my cortisone shot.  The last one was in September, finally wore off, needed to be able to walk in my travels.

Leaving there delivered a van-load of stuff to City Mission.  For you out-of-towners, City Mission in Washington Pa is a home for the homeless, a Church, a cafeteria with 3 meals a day, a place to sleep when needed.  They also have two thrift stores in the area. 

In addition they take all paper, cardboard, boxes, etc., stuff for recycling.  I bag all that stuff and take it also.  Trying to do my part in an area that does not recycle.  Also bag up and take all my plastic - bags, bottles, etc., - with me when I go to town to be recycled.

So had a van load for them.  They always seem appreciative of what we give.

From there went to vote.  Yes, I did vote.  Yes, I did have my drivers license with me, as today is the practice run for the general election when all voters will have to carry a form of ID to be allowed to vote.  Sorry state of affairs it has come to this.


That took care of my morning. 

This afternoon, did laundry so I can pack later (flight leaves Pittsburgh at 7 a.m. tomorrow), cleaned the house for bossman, got all the dirty dishes done, emptied out the dishwasher, you know, all that fun stuff.  Will wash up any remaining dishes today by hand and put them away so when I leave in the morning, - the house will be clean - all the dishes will be clean - including all pots and pans, which I have to do by hand anyway - made food easily available for bossman to feed my cats each morning (a job he dearly "loves", but will do it) - even dusted the furniture. 

Got my boarding pass printed out and called Linda to let her know flight # and arrival time, and what airline.  I am assuming they will be there to meet me in the morning.  Unless they decide to leave town for a week.  They know when  I come things get hectic.  Like photo-shoots in strange places.

No wonder I am tired.  Just writing this stuff made me tired.  And I still have the remainder of the afternoon and all evening.  Bet I hit the hay early tonight, will have to up no later than 3:30 a.m. to leave here by 4:30 a.m. to be at the airport between 5 and 5:30 a.m. for check in. 

Bossman asked me again last night what time my flight was - I think he was hoping it had changed from the last time, it hadn't - and he told me I had to be kidding. Again! He doesn't have to be at work until 7 or so.  Told him, again, to have a nice leisurely breakfast before reporting to work.  Again I got "that look".

At least he'll have a week to recuperate before he has to stay late at work next Wednesday, as my flight doesn't arrive in Pittsburgh until 4 p.m.  He is usually on his way home by then.  Poor guy, see what he has to put up with.

So you will all get a break for the next week.  Hopefully I will have stories to tell and pictures to share.  At least that is the game plan. 

So enjoy your week of freedom from me and God Bless.

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