Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'M NOT SURE....APRIL 10 2012....

Is it spring - or winter - or a bit of both?  Cold today, sun shining, but cold.  Rain and snow flurries predicted for later today and tonight.  Poor flowers don't know what they are supposed to be doing.  Neither do I. 

One thing for sure, I just don't work out when it is cold, or really windy.  Guess I am a hot-house flower.  Or should I say cactus?  Whatever. 

Even the dogs don't want out any longer than absolutely necessary.

Spent most of yesterday with all the day-after stuff  that needs done the day after the day before, when everyone was here and we had food everywhere.  Not that we had a lot of left-over food to worry about.  Nada.

It is all the pots and pans, large serving dishes, good dinnerware, roasters, etc., etc., that you only use on special occasions.  It is trying to  remember where each of these items had been hidden since the last Holiday - special day - so I could re-hide them until the next  holiday - special day.

I think I will be able to find everything the next time I need them - which will probably be sometime over Memorial Day weekend - when our next big bash is planned. 

I don't think there will be anything earth-shattering before then, but around here, who knows?

And by the same token, it will be Memorial Day before we know it, the beginning of the end of summer.  My, how time flies!!!!!

When I told bossman this, he just gave me that "look" - like, what world do you live in?

I guess it is because I live in the "fast lane" so-to-speak, always busy with something.  

I know my face-book page was running over this morning, which is always fun.  

So had better sign off here, and get busy doing  something - as my to-do list never seems to get any smaller.  Stay warm, stay our of trouble, and God Bless. 

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