Wednesday, April 11, 2012

HOW!!!WHAT!!!WHY???APRIL 11 2012....
This is the sailing ship FRIENDS GOOD WILL out of South Haven Michigan when Rebecca's family and I visited Michigan 2 or 3 years ago.  We were fortunate enough to be taken for a sail, what an experience!

Very good questions. 

HOW - do you figure out what the judges want when jurying for festivals?  I have received one rejection, as of now, for one of the juried shows I had applied for.  Had no problem getting juried in last year.  Probably this year's judge didn't like what he saw.  Their loss.

WHAT - on earth is the weather thinking.  As of right now (12:55 p.m.) we have had clouds, sunshine, wind, no wind, warmer, colder, and just a couple of minutes ago looked out and was pouring down snow.  That's right, pouring down snow.  Now the sun is out again.  No the strongest drink I have had to day is iced tea.  Nothing but tea, no little appetizer added. 

WHY  - do we even pretend we know what we are doing?  I plan one thing, and do everything but that one thing.  Some folks call it senility, some call it forgetfulness, some call it normal.  I like to think I am the normal one.

In addition to the first rejection of the year, I got my acceptance to the Granville Ohio Art festival being held in June.  Just finished making my hotel reservations for Friday and Saturday nights.  Set up is Friday evening, the festival all day Saturday and Sunday.

I also received a notification indicating I was accepted on a stand-by status for one of my favorite festivals.  Had too many good artists apply.  Hopefully someone will drop out (not dead, just out) and I will be notified.  If not, there is always next year.

Years ago I was completely devastated when rejected.  You get used to it, like everything else, and learn that the world won't stop turning when you get a rejection letter.  Of course the acceptance letters are much nicer, but the world won't turn any faster just because someone liked what you do.

These are just little bumps in the road, after a while you don't even notice them.  On the whole, I receive very few rejections, so I feel  good about what I do.

My friends and I have a good time, enjoy the getting-together after the hiatus from November until spring.  A lot to catch up on.  Good things, and sometimes not so good.  But that is life.  Everything can't always be good.  We learn to cope, to live with it, to re-arrange our plans to work with whatever.  That is called living.  Otherwise you sink into a funk, do nothing, hope for nothing, try nothing new.  That is called existing.  I know I would much rather be among the living  rather than among the existing.

So will get off my soap box, get busy doing something constructive (like watching for the next snow shower - or possibly reading  - maybe deciding what to cook for supper) and enjoy my day.  I hope you are all having a good day and God Bless.

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