Monday, April 23, 2012

SPRING or WINTER?....APRIL 23 2012......

My creeping phlox and purple and white irises, and tulips are in full bloom.  So what did they have on the TV last night?   A late April nor'easter heading up the coast, going to dump anything from heavy rain to a foot of wet heavy snow.  The snow could be a disaster because of the leaves on the trees. 

One forecaster said they were warning folks (closer to the coast than we are) that there would be massive power outages that could last for days, from the weight of the snow on the trees, bringing branches, and entire trees, down.

My sister and I had planned having lunch together today.  Time to catch up with each other.  Wondered when I went to bed last night if we would be able to keep our date.  So far, yes.  We have had heavy rain, right now not doing much of anything but looking gloomy.

Guess the snow is still on its way.  Just so the airport is open on Wednesday morning - my flight leaves at 8 a.m. for Phoenix.  Bossman taking me to the airport on his way to work. Very early before work. 

When he asked me if I was crazy or what, I told him that he would have time for a nice long breakfast after leaving me and before arriving at work, which is at most 10 minutes from the airport.  I just got "that look!"

But, by now I am pretty used to "that look" as I seem to manage to get it at least 2-3 times a week, sometimes more. 

Daughter Linda called from AZ last night asking about our weather and the storm.  She said they are breaking records out there with the heat, they have already had 100 plus degree weather, and it is still spring. 

I wonder what I will come home to?  I wonder if I will survive to come home?  It is supposed to be much cooler when we head north to the Canyons, which will be a good thing.  Otherwise she told me we would be spending a lot of time in the air conditioning. Just so the power doesn't go off. 

I'm glad I'm heading west and not east.  Although who knows what will be going on west of us. 

Guess I had better get a few things accomplished before heading for Martins Ferry and lunch with my sister.  Then it is grocery shopping for necessities for bossman so he has enough to survive until I return.  Poor guy!

And so enjoy the calm, gloomy as it might be, before the storm, stay safe, and God Bless.

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