Thursday, April 19, 2012

IF I'M LUCKY .... APRIL 19 2012.....

The rain will hold off another day and I can finish my flower beds.  Only have half of one of the smaller ones, and another which is just an iris bed. 

Need to get my tomato plants and the few annuals I have bought planted before I leave for Arizona.  Also need to look for more annuals, which will probably not be done until my return.

We have one of the best dandelion crops in our yard that I have seen for some time.  Any one want some seeds?  Have lots to share.

Got the neatest e-mail today about a 15 year old cat in England named Artful Dodger.  Guess Dodger likes to ride the bus.  Big time.  Everyday he will board a bus at a stop near his home and ride the 10 mile round trip, sitting on the seats, looking out the window, sometimes sitting on some passengers lap.

He has been on the news more than once.  The bus company seems to enjoy having Dodger ride with them, and even went so far as to say that since he was a "senior citizen/cat" he was entitled to "free" transportation".

I guess all the drivers, and the majority of the passengers, are getting a big charge out of Dodger.  I'm sure when he is gone that he will be greatly missed as a daily passenger. 

He doesn't always limit his travels to once a day.  He rides whenever the whim hits, sometimes 2 or 3 times, and he has learned that a lot of the regular passengers now carry treats for him. 

Every morning I look forward to checking my e-mail, as I never know what I will find.  I have a lot of e-mail friends that send me the greatest stories and stuff, some of the stories really make my day. 

Well, time's a 'wastin, better get my indoor stuff done so I can do my outdoor stuff.  I wonder how the mission trip in Joplin is going?  Anxious to hear all about it.  In the meantime, keep doing what you enjoy, don't worry about the nitty-gritty, and God Bless.

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