Friday, April 13, 2012


Good morning this Friday the 13th.  Because legend says Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, I thought I would share another legend with you - the legend of the Great White Buffalo.  What better day to do it than today?

In my home I have a poster hanging that I bought over 20 years ago when Tom and I were attending his annual army reunion, which was being held in Wichita Kansas that particular year.

One of the places we visited was the Kansas State Historical Society museum, where they were in the process of creating a monument to the Great White Buffalo.  The poster portrays what the finished monument would look like.

I have been fascinated ever since.  And so I have done some research over the years, and thought this would be a good day to share the Legend of the White Buffalo.

2000 years ago a young Indian woman first appeared in the shape of a white buffalo,  She gave the Lakota (Sioux) a sacred pipe and shared the sacred ceremonies, making them the guardians of the Black Hills, their home.

Before leaving them she prophesized that one day she would return to purify the world, bringing back spiritual balance and harmony.  The birth of a White Buffalo would be a sign that her return was at hand.

Her spirit would be within the white buffalo.  The birth of a white buffalo calf is a sign from the Great Spirit that the age of harmony and balance CANNOT be revoked.

Joseph Chasing Horse, a descendant of the Lakota, and a great protector of the legend of the White Buffalo like to phrase it  as follows:

"Mention that we are praying.  Many of the medicine people, the spiritual leaders, the elders, we are all praying for the world.  We are praying that mankind does wake up and think about the future, for we haven't just inherited this earth from our ancestors, but we are borrowing it from our unborn children."

Think about this.  This world does not belong to us, it is on loan to us.  We are supposed to be the guardians of the earth, but we haven't done a very good job, have we?

If you would like more in-depth information on the Great White Buffalo, you can check out the following two web-sites:  WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN as told by Joseph Chasing Horse, and MIRACLE, THE SACRED WHITE BUFFALO of Janesville Wisconsin.

Mitakuye Oyasin....We are all related in the Sacred Hoop of Life.  May it ever be so.

God Bless, and remember, we are the caretakers.

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